Charlotte Church
The Holy City

Last night I lay asleeping
There came a dream so fair
I stood in old Jerusalem
Beside the temple there
I heard the children singing
And ever as they sang
Methought the voice of Angels
From Heaven in answer rang
"Jerusalem, Jerusalem!
Lift up your gates and sing,
Hosanna in the highest.
Hosanna to your King!"

And then methought my dream was chang'd
The streets no longer rang
Hushed were the glad Hosannas
The little children sang
The sun grew dark with mystery
The morn was cold and chill
As the shadow of a cross arose
Upon a lonely hill
"Jerusalem, Jerusalem!
Hark! How the Angels sing,
Hosanna in the highest,
Hosanna to your King!"

And once again the scene was changed
New earth there seemed to be
I saw the Holy City
Beside the tideless sea
The light of God was on its streets
The gates were open wide
And all who would might enter
And no one was denied
No need of moon or stars by night
Or sun to shine by day
It was the new Jerusalem
That would not pass away
"Jerusalem! Jerusalem
Sing for the night is o'er
Hosanna in the highest
Hosanna for evermore!"

Mirror lyrics:

Hosanna for evermore!"
Hosanna in the highest
Sing for the night is o'er
"Jerusalem! Jerusalem
That would not pass away
It was the new Jerusalem
Or sun to shine by day
No need of moon or stars by night
And no one was denied
And all who would might enter
The gates were open wide
The light of God was on its streets
Beside the tideless sea
I saw the Holy City
New earth there seemed to be
And once again the scene was changed

Hosanna to your King!"
Hosanna in the highest,
Hark! How the Angels sing,
"Jerusalem, Jerusalem!
Upon a lonely hill
As the shadow of a cross arose
The morn was cold and chill
The sun grew dark with mystery
The little children sang
Hushed were the glad Hosannas
The streets no longer rang
And then methought my dream was chang'd

Hosanna to your King!"
Hosanna in the highest.
Lift up your gates and sing,
"Jerusalem, Jerusalem!
From Heaven in answer rang
Methought the voice of Angels
And ever as they sang
I heard the children singing
Beside the temple there
I stood in old Jerusalem
There came a dream so fair
Last night I lay asleeping

Relevant Tags:
TThe HHoly CCity he oly ity hTe oHly iCty fhe joly fity fThe jHoly fCity Tfhe Hjoly Cfity 5he uoly xity 5The uHoly xCity T5he Huoly Cxity
hhe noly vity hThe nHoly vCity Thhe Hnoly Cvity yhe boly dity yThe bHoly dCity Tyhe Hboly Cdity 6he goly Ciity 6The gHoly Cty T6he Hgoly Ctiy
ghe yoly Cjty gThe yHoly Cjity Tghe Hyoly Cijty rhe Hooly C9ty rThe Hly C9ity Trhe Hloy Ci9ty Hkly Clty Te Hkoly Clity Teh Hokly Cilty
Tje H9ly Coty Tjhe H9oly Coity Thje Ho9ly Cioty Tue H0ly Ckty Tuhe H0oly Ckity Thue Ho0ly Cikty Tne Hlly C8ty Tnhe Hloly C8ity Thne Holly Ci8ty
Tbe Hily Cuty Tbhe Hioly Cuity Thbe Hoily Ciuty Tge Citty Hoy Ciy

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