Brenda Lee
If I Had You

(T. Shapiro - J. Campbell - R. Connelly)

I could show the world how to smile
I could be glad all of the while
I could change the grey skies to blue
If I had you.

I could leave the old days behind
Leave all my friends, I'd never mind
And I could start my life all anew
If I had you.

I could climb the snow capped mountain
Sail the mighty ocean wide
I could cross the burning desert
If I had you by my side.

I could be a queen, dear, uncrowned
Humble or poor, rich or renowned
There is nothing I wouldn't do
If I had you.

Oh, I could climb snow capped mountain
Sail the mighty ocean wide
I could cross the burning desert
If I had you by my side.

I could be a queen, dear, uncrowned
Humble or poor, rich rich or renowned
There is nothing I wouldn't do
If I had you.

There is nothing I wouldn't do
If I had you...

Mirror lyrics:

If I had you...
There is nothing I wouldn't do

If I had you.
There is nothing I wouldn't do
Humble or poor, rich rich or renowned
I could be a queen, dear, uncrowned

If I had you by my side.
I could cross the burning desert
Sail the mighty ocean wide
Oh, I could climb snow capped mountain

If I had you.
There is nothing I wouldn't do
Humble or poor, rich or renowned
I could be a queen, dear, uncrowned

If I had you by my side.
I could cross the burning desert
Sail the mighty ocean wide
I could climb the snow capped mountain

If I had you.
And I could start my life all anew
Leave all my friends, I'd never mind
I could leave the old days behind

If I had you.
I could change the grey skies to blue
I could be glad all of the while
I could show the world how to smile

(T. Shapiro - J. Campbell - R. Connelly)

Relevant Tags:
IIf II HHad YYou f ad ou fI I aHd oYu jf j jad gou jIf jI jHad gYou Ijf Ij Hjad Ygou 9f 9 uad hou 9If 9I uHad hYou I9f I9 Huad Yhou
lf l nad 6ou lIf lI nHad 6You Ilf Il Hnad Y6ou of o bad uou oIf oI bHad uYou Iof Io Hbad Yuou kf k gad 7ou kIf kI gHad 7You Ikf Ik Hgad Y7ou
8f 8 yad jou 8If 8I yHad jYou I8f I8 Hyad Yjou uf u Haad tou uIf uI Hd tYou Iuf Iu Hda Ytou Iff Hzd Yoou I Hzad Yu If Hazd Yuo
Ic Hqd Yku Icf Hqad Ykou Ifc Haqd Yoku Ir Hsd Y9u Irf Hsad Y9ou

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