Brenda Lee
Here's That Rainy Day

(Johnny Burke - James Van Heusen)

Maybe I should have saved those left over dreams
Funny, but here's that rainy day
Here's that rainy day they told me about
And I laughed at the thought that it might turn out this way.

Where is that worn out wish that I threw aside
After it brought my lover near
It's funny how love becomes a cold rainy day
Funny, that rainy day is here.

Funny how love becomes a cold rainy day
Funny, that rainy day is here...

Mirror lyrics:

Funny, that rainy day is here...
Funny how love becomes a cold rainy day

Funny, that rainy day is here.
It's funny how love becomes a cold rainy day
After it brought my lover near
Where is that worn out wish that I threw aside

And I laughed at the thought that it might turn out this way.
Here's that rainy day they told me about
Funny, but here's that rainy day
Maybe I should have saved those left over dreams

(Johnny Burke - James Van Heusen)

Relevant Tags:
HHere's TThat RRainy DDay ere's hat ainy ay eHre's hTat aRiny aDy jere's fhat dainy xay jHere's fThat dRainy xDay Hjere's Tfhat Rdainy Dxay
uere's 5hat 4ainy eay uHere's 5That 4Rainy eDay Huere's T5hat R4ainy Deay nere's hhat gainy fay nHere's hThat gRainy fDay Hnere's Thhat Rgainy Dfay
bere's yhat tainy ray bHere's yThat tRainy rDay Hbere's Tyhat Rtainy Dray gere's 6hat 5ainy cay gHere's 6That 5Rainy cDay Hgere's T6hat R5ainy Dcay
yere's ghat fainy say yHere's gThat fRainy sDay Hyere's Tghat Rfainy Dsay Heere's rhat eainy Daay Hre's rThat eRainy Dy Hree's Trhat Reainy Dya
Hsre's Raainy Dzy Hsere's Tat Riny Dzay Hesre's Taht Riany Dazy H3re's Tjat Rziny Dqy H3ere's Tjhat Rzainy Dqay He3re's Thjat Raziny Daqy
Hfre's Tuat Rqiny Dsy Hfere's Tuhat Rqainy Hefre's Thuat Raqiny Dasy Hrre's Tnat Rsiny Dwy Hrere's Tnhat Rsainy Dway Herre's Thnat Rasiny Dawy
H4re's Tbat Rwiny Dxy H4ere's Tbhat Rwainy He4re's Thbat Rawiny Daxy Hdre's Tgat Rxiny Dayy Hdere's Rxainy Da Hedre's Thgat Raxiny Day
Hwre's Tyat Raiiny Dag Hwere's Rany Dagy Hewre's Thyat Raniy Dayg Thaat Rajny Dah Hee's Tht Rajiny Dahy Heer's Thta Raijny Dayh
Hede's Thzt Ra9ny Da6 Thzat Ra9iny Da6y Herde's Thazt Rai9ny Day6 He4e's Thqt Ralny Dau Thqat Raliny Dauy Her4e's Thaqt Railny Dayu

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