Brenda Lee
(there's) Always Something There To Remind Me

(Hal David - Burt Bacharach)

I walk along the city streets you used to walk along with me
And every step I take recalls how much in love we used to be
Oh, how can I forget you
When there is always something there to remind me
Always something there to remind me
I was born to love you and I will never be free
You'll always be a part of me, oh, oh, oh.

When shadows fall I passed a small cafe where we would dance at night
And I can't help recalling how it felt to kiss and hold you tight
Oh, how can I forget you
When there is always something there to remind me
Always something there to remind me
I was born to love you and I will never be free
You'll always be a part of me, oh, oh, oh.

If you should find you'll miss the sweet and tender love we used to share
Just come back to the places where we used to go and I'll be there
Oh, how can I forget you
When there is always something there to remind me
Always something there to remind me
I was born to love you and I will never be free
When there is always something there to remind me
Always something there to remind me...

Mirror lyrics:

Always something there to remind me...
When there is always something there to remind me
I was born to love you and I will never be free
Always something there to remind me
When there is always something there to remind me
Oh, how can I forget you
Just come back to the places where we used to go and I'll be there
If you should find you'll miss the sweet and tender love we used to share

You'll always be a part of me, oh, oh, oh.
I was born to love you and I will never be free
Always something there to remind me
When there is always something there to remind me
Oh, how can I forget you
And I can't help recalling how it felt to kiss and hold you tight
When shadows fall I passed a small cafe where we would dance at night

You'll always be a part of me, oh, oh, oh.
I was born to love you and I will never be free
Always something there to remind me
When there is always something there to remind me
Oh, how can I forget you
And every step I take recalls how much in love we used to be
I walk along the city streets you used to walk along with me

(Hal David - Burt Bacharach)

Relevant Tags:
((there's) AAlways SSomething TThere TTo RRemind MMe there's) lways omething here o emind e t(here's) lAways oSmething hTere oT eRmind eM
(tthere's) zlways zomething fhere fo demind je (here's) zAlways zSomething fThere fTo dRemind jMe (htere's) Azlways Szomething Tfhere Tfo Rdemind Mje
(fhere's) qlways womething 5here 5o 4emind ke (fthere's) qAlways wSomething 5There 5To 4Remind kMe (tfhere's) Aqlways Swomething T5here T5o R4emind Mke
(5here's) slways domething hhere ho gemind ne (5there's) sAlways dSomething hThere hTo gRemind nMe (t5here's) Aslways Sdomething Thhere Tho Rgemind Mne
(hhere's) wlways eomething yhere yo temind Mee (hthere's) wAlways eSomething yThere yTo tRemind M (thhere's) Awlways Seomething Tyhere Tyo Rtemind Me
(yhere's) xlways xomething 6here 6o 5emind Ms (ythere's) xAlways xSomething 6There 6To 5Remind Mse (tyhere's) Axlways Sxomething T6here T6o R5emind Mes
(6here's) Allways aomething ghere go femind M3 (6there's) Aways aSomething gThere gTo fRemind M3e (t6here's) Awlays Saomething Tghere Tgo Rfemind Me3
(ghere's) Akways Soomething rhere ro eemind Mf (gthere's) Aklways Smething rThere rTo eRemind Mfe (tghere's) Alkways Smoething Trhere Tro Reemind Mef
(rhere's) Aoways Skmething Too Mr (rthere's) Aolways Skomething Tere T Rmind Mre (trhere's) Aloways Sokmething Tehre To Rmeind Mer
Apways S9mething Tjere Tk Rsmind M4 (tere's) Aplways S9omething Tjhere Tko Rsemind M4e (tehre's) Alpways So9mething Thjere Tok Resmind Me4
(tjere's) Alwways S0mething Tuere T9 R3mind Md (tjhere's) Alays S0omething Tuhere T9o R3emind Mde (thjere's) Alawys So0mething Thuere To9 Re3mind Med
(tuere's) Alaays Slmething Tnere T0 Rfmind Mw (tuhere's) Alaways Slomething Tnhere T0o Mwe (thuere's) Alwaays Solmething Thnere To0 Refmind Mew
(tnere's) Al3ays Simething Tbere Tl Rrmind (tnhere's) Al3ways Siomething Tbhere Tlo Rremind (thnere's) Alw3ays Soimething Thbere Tol Rermind
(tbere's) Aldays Sommething Tgere Ti R4mind (tbhere's) Aldways Soething Tio (thbere's) Alwdays Soemthing Thgere Toi Re4mind
(tgere's) Aleays Sojething Tyere Rdmind Aleways Sojmething (thgere's) Alweays Somjething Thyere Redmind
(tyere's) Alsays Sokething Theere Rwmind Alsways Thre Rwemind (thyere's) Alwsays Somkething Three Rewmind
(theere's) Al2ays Sonething Thsre Remmind (thre's) Al2ways Sonmething Thsere Reind (three's) Alw2ays Somnething Thesre Reimnd
(thsre's) Alqays Someething Th3re Rejind (thsere's) Alqways Somthing Th3ere Rejmind (thesre's) Alwqays Somtehing The3re Remjind
(th3re's) Somsthing Thfre Rekind (th3ere's) Alwys Somsething Thfere Rekmind (the3re's) Alwyas Somesthing Thefre Remkind
(thfre's) Alwzys Som3thing Thrre Renind (thfere's) Alwzays Som3ething Threre Renmind (thefre's) Alwazys Some3thing Therre Remnind
(thrre's) Alwqys Somfthing Th4re Remiind (threre's) Somfething Th4ere Remnd (therre's) Alwaqys Somefthing The4re Remnid
(th4re's) Alwsys Somrthing Thdre Remjnd (th4ere's) Somrething Thdere (the4re's) Alwasys Somerthing Thedre Remijnd
(thdre's) Alwwys Som4thing Thwre Rem9nd (thdere's) Som4ething Thwere Rem9ind (thedre's) Alwawys Some4thing Thewre Remi9nd
(thwre's) Alwxys Somdthing Remlnd (thwere's) Alwxays Somdething Thee Remlind (thewre's) Alwaxys Somedthing Theer Remilnd
Alwayys Somwthing Thede Remond (thee's) Alwas Somwething Remoind (theer's) Alwasy Somewthing Therde Remiond
(thede's) Alwags Sometthing The4e Remknd Alwagys Somehing (therde's) Alwaygs Somehting Ther4e Remiknd
(the4e's) Alwahs Somefhing Thege Rem8nd Alwahys Thegre Rem8ind (ther4e's) Alwayhs Sometfhing Therge Remi8nd
(thege's) Alwa6s Some5hing Thete Remund (thegre's) Alwa6ys Some5thing Thetre Remuind (therge's) Alway6s Somet5hing Therte Remiund
(thete's) Alwaus Somehhing The5e Reminnd

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