Bree Sharp
Morning In A Bar

Morning in a bar:
Daylight and an old beer bottle.
Sun's the only star,
In a sky that went from grey to yellow.

And the flashes
of the scene I made,
just the night before...
And the ashes
of my great undoing
lay scattered on the floor.

Morning in a bar,
me and the dawn,
and the consequences.
I let it go too far
While you were still sleeping
I was so senseless.

That's the way it goes
And now you'll go
and run me out of town
Cause everybody knows
the Fool I've been
I'll never live... this down.

Mirror lyrics:

I'll never live... this down.
the Fool I've been
Cause everybody knows
and run me out of town
And now you'll go
That's the way it goes

I was so senseless.
While you were still sleeping
I let it go too far
and the consequences.
me and the dawn,
Morning in a bar,

lay scattered on the floor.
of my great undoing
And the ashes
just the night before...
of the scene I made,
And the flashes

In a sky that went from grey to yellow.
Sun's the only star,
Daylight and an old beer bottle.
Morning in a bar:

Relevant Tags:
MMorning IIn AA BBar orning n ar oMrning nI A aBr jorning jn z var jMorning jIn zA vBar Mjorning Ijn Az Bvar korning 9n q gar
kMorning 9In qA gBar Mkorning I9n Aq Bgar norning ln s nar nMorning lIn sA nBar Mnorning Iln As Bnar Moorning on w har Mrning oIn wA hBar
Mroning Ion Aw Bhar Mkrning kn x Baar kIn xA Br Mokrning Ikn Ax Bra M9rning 8n Bzr M9orning 8In Bzar Mo9rning I8n Bazr
M0rning un Bqr M0orning uIn Bqar Mo0rning Iun Baqr Mlrning Inn Bsr Mlorning I Bsar Molrning In Basr Mirning Im Bwr
Miorning Imn Bwar Moirning Inm Bawr Morrning Ih Bxr Moning Ihn Bxar Monring Inh Baxr Modning Ij Barr Modrning Ba
Mordning Inj Bar Mo4ning Ib Bad Mo4rning Ibn Badr Mor4ning Inb Bard Mogning Ba4 Mogrning Ba4r Morgning Bar4
Motning Bag Motrning Bagr Mortning Barg Mo5ning Bat Mo5rning Batr Mor5ning Bart Mofning Ba5
Mofrning Ba5r Morfning Bar5 Moening Baf Moerning Bafr Morening Barf Mornning Bae Moring Baer
Morinng Bare Morming Mormning Mornming Morhing Morhning

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