Madison Ave

On Madison Avenue I wait for you
On Madison Avenue I wave to you
On Madison Avenue we rendezvous
Like we always do
On Madison Avenue I smile at you
'Cause I needed to

It's alright if you need a friend
I told you twice: "I'll be there 'til the end"

On Madison Avenue I look for you
There's smiles all over
But their lines ain't right

It's alright if you need a friend
I told you twice: "I'll be there 'til the end"
It's alright if you need a friend
I told you twice: "I'll be there 'til the end"

It's alright if you need a friend
(If you need a friend)
I told you twice: "I'll be there 'til the end"
(I told you twice)

'Til the end....
'Til the end....
'Til the end....

Mirror lyrics:

'Til the end....
'Til the end....
'Til the end....

(I told you twice)
I told you twice: "I'll be there 'til the end"
(If you need a friend)
It's alright if you need a friend

I told you twice: "I'll be there 'til the end"
It's alright if you need a friend
I told you twice: "I'll be there 'til the end"
It's alright if you need a friend

But their lines ain't right
There's smiles all over
On Madison Avenue I look for you

I told you twice: "I'll be there 'til the end"
It's alright if you need a friend

'Cause I needed to
On Madison Avenue I smile at you
Like we always do
On Madison Avenue we rendezvous
On Madison Avenue I wave to you
On Madison Avenue I wait for you

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MMadison AAve adison ve aMdison vAe jadison zve jMadison zAve Mjadison Azve kadison qve kMadison qAve Mkadison Aqve nadison sve
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Maqdison Aev Msdison Abe Msadison Abve Masdison Avbe Mwdison Ace Mwadison Acve Mawdison Avce Mxdison Age Mxadison Agve Maxdison Avge
Maddison Afe Maison Afve Maidson Avfe Maxison Avee Av Madxison Ave Maeison Avs Maedison Avse Madeison Aves Mafison Av3
Mafdison Av3e Madfison Ave3 Marison Avf Mardison Madrison Avef Macison Avr Macdison Avre Madcison Aver Masison Av4 Av4e
Madsison Ave4 Madiison Avd Madson Avde Madsion Aved Madjson Avw Madjison Avwe Madijson Avew Mad9son Mad9ison Madi9son
Madlson Madlison Madilson Madoson

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