Will The Circle Be Unbroken

I see a coldness in your eyes like a winter's day
You won't accept the compromise love brings your way
Perfection you see as your prize, oh yeah

But will the circle be unbroken?

You can only learn to love when you understand
Accepting people as they are puts the key in hand
You may be looking at the stars but on earth you stand

Will the circle be unbroken?
Will the circle be unbroken?
Will it be unbroken?

Loving you is loving your imperfection
In loving me just let me see I'm your inspiration

You're driven solely by a dream that can never be
You resign yourself to search, it's your destiny
You may be looking at the stars but there's only me

Will the circle be unbroken?
Will the circle be unbroken?
Will it be unbroken?

Loving you is loving your imperfection
In loving me just let me see I'm your inspiration

Will it be, will it be, will it be unbroken?
Will it be, will it be, will it be unbroken?
Will it be, will it be, will it be unbroken?
Will it be, will it be, will it be unbroken?

Loving you is loving your imperfection
In loving me just let me see I'm your inspiration
Loving you is loving your imperfection
In loving me just let me see I'm your inspiration

Will it be, will it be, will it be unbroken?
Will it be, will it be, will it be unbroken?
Will it be, will it be, will it be unbroken?
Will the circle be unbroken?

Will it be, will it be unbroken?
Will it be, will it be, will it be unbroken?
Will it be, will it be, will it be unbroken?
Will the circle be unbroken?

Will it be, will it be, will it be unbroken?
Will it be, will it be, will it be unbroken?

Mirror lyrics:

Will it be, will it be, will it be unbroken?
Will it be, will it be, will it be unbroken?

Will the circle be unbroken?
Will it be, will it be, will it be unbroken?
Will it be, will it be, will it be unbroken?
Will it be, will it be unbroken?

Will the circle be unbroken?
Will it be, will it be, will it be unbroken?
Will it be, will it be, will it be unbroken?
Will it be, will it be, will it be unbroken?

In loving me just let me see I'm your inspiration
Loving you is loving your imperfection
In loving me just let me see I'm your inspiration
Loving you is loving your imperfection

Will it be, will it be, will it be unbroken?
Will it be, will it be, will it be unbroken?
Will it be, will it be, will it be unbroken?
Will it be, will it be, will it be unbroken?

In loving me just let me see I'm your inspiration
Loving you is loving your imperfection

Will it be unbroken?
Will the circle be unbroken?
Will the circle be unbroken?

You may be looking at the stars but there's only me
You resign yourself to search, it's your destiny
You're driven solely by a dream that can never be

In loving me just let me see I'm your inspiration
Loving you is loving your imperfection

Will it be unbroken?
Will the circle be unbroken?
Will the circle be unbroken?

You may be looking at the stars but on earth you stand
Accepting people as they are puts the key in hand
You can only learn to love when you understand

But will the circle be unbroken?

Perfection you see as your prize, oh yeah
You won't accept the compromise love brings your way
I see a coldness in your eyes like a winter's day

Relevant Tags:
WWill TThe CCircle BBe UUnbroken ill he ircle e nbroken iWll hTe iCrcle eB nUbroken aill fhe fircle ve hnbroken aWill fThe fCircle vBe hUnbroken
Waill Tfhe Cfircle Bve Uhnbroken 3ill 5he xircle ge 7nbroken 3Will 5The xCircle gBe 7Unbroken W3ill T5he Cxircle Bge U7nbroken dill hhe vircle ne knbroken
dWill hThe vCircle nBe kUnbroken Wdill Thhe Cvircle Bne Uknbroken eill yhe dircle he inbroken eWill yThe dCircle hBe iUnbroken Weill Tyhe Cdircle Bhe Uinbroken
sill 6he Ciircle Bee 8nbroken sWill 6The Crcle B 8Unbroken Wsill T6he Cricle Be U8nbroken 2ill ghe Cjrcle Bs jnbroken 2Will gThe Cjircle Bse jUnbroken
W2ill Tghe Cijrcle Bes Ujnbroken qill rhe C9rcle B3 ynbroken qWill rThe C9ircle B3e yUnbroken Wqill Trhe Ci9rcle Be3 Uynbroken Wiill Clrcle Bf Unnbroken
Wll Te Clircle Bfe Ubroken Wlil Teh Cilrcle Bef Ubnroken Wjll Tje Corcle Br Umbroken Wjill Tjhe Coircle Bre Umnbroken Wijll Thje Ciorcle Ber Unmbroken
W9ll Tue Ckrcle B4 Uhbroken W9ill Tuhe Ckircle B4e Wi9ll Thue Cikrcle Be4 Unhbroken Wlll Tne C8rcle Bd Ujbroken Wlill Tnhe C8ircle Bde
Willl Thne Ci8rcle Bed Unjbroken Woll Tbe Curcle Bw Ubbroken Woill Tbhe Cuircle Bwe Ubnbroken Wioll Thbe Ciurcle Bew Unbbroken Wkll Tge Cirrcle
Wkill Cicle Unroken Wikll Thge Cicrle Unrboken W8ll Tye Cidcle Unvroken W8ill Cidrcle Unvbroken Wi8ll Thye Cirdcle Unbvroken
Wull Thee Ci4cle Ungroken Wuill Th Ci4rcle Ungbroken Wiull The Cir4cle Unbgroken Ths Cigcle Unnroken Wil Thse Cigrcle
Will Thes Cirgcle Unbnroken Wikl Th3 Citcle Unhroken Th3e Citrcle Wilkl The3 Cirtcle Unbhroken Wiol Thf Ci5cle Unbrroken
Thfe Ci5rcle Unboken Wilol Thef Cir5cle Unborken Wipl Thr Cifcle Unbdoken Wipll Thre Cifrcle Unbdroken Wilpl Ther Cirfcle Unbrdoken
Th4 Ciecle Unb4oken Th4e Ciercle Unb4roken The4 Cirecle Unbr4oken Wilk Thd Circcle Unbgoken Thde Cirle
Willk Thed Cirlce Unbrgoken Wilo Thw Cirfle Unbtoken Thwe Unbtroken Willo Thew Circfle Unbrtoken Wilp Cirxle Unb5oken
Cirxcle Unb5roken Willp Circxle Unbr5oken

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