Cat Power
The Coat Is Always On

Mother don't sit,
Mother don't stand,
Mother don't send me.

Sister come and lay your head on me,
I can see you haven't had any sleep in a long time.

That baby's gonna be so easy on me,
Never see his smile,
Never see his face.

Father said he was gonna give me something,
He gave me hate.

Mother don't sit,
Mother don't stand,
Mother don't send me.

Brother can't even speak,
He's got a tongue and two legs to walk on,
And he can leave,
Brother is old and grey,
Brother is old and grey,
Brother is old and grey,
And he's only ,
He's only seventeen.

Father said he was gonna give me something,
He gave me hate.

Mother don't sit,
Mother don't stand,
Mother please don't send me.

What happened to home,
What happened to home sweet,
What happened to home sweet,

Mirror lyrics:

What happened to home sweet,
What happened to home sweet,
What happened to home,

Mother please don't send me.
Mother don't stand,
Mother don't sit,

He gave me hate.
Father said he was gonna give me something,

He's only seventeen.
And he's only ,
Brother is old and grey,
Brother is old and grey,
Brother is old and grey,
And he can leave,
He's got a tongue and two legs to walk on,
Brother can't even speak,

Mother don't send me.
Mother don't stand,
Mother don't sit,

He gave me hate.
Father said he was gonna give me something,

Never see his face.
Never see his smile,
That baby's gonna be so easy on me,

I can see you haven't had any sleep in a long time.
Sister come and lay your head on me,

Mother don't send me.
Mother don't stand,
Mother don't sit,

Relevant Tags:
TThe CCoat IIs AAlways OOn he oat s lways n hTe oCat sI lAways nO fhe foat js zlways kn fThe fCoat jIs zAlways kOn Tfhe Cfoat Ijs Azlways Okn
5he xoat 9s qlways 9n 5The xCoat 9Is qAlways 9On T5he Cxoat I9s Aqlways O9n hhe voat ls slways 0n hThe vCoat lIs sAlways 0On Thhe Cvoat Ils Aslways O0n
yhe doat os wlways ln yThe dCoat oIs wAlways lOn Tyhe Cdoat Ios Awlways Oln 6he Cooat ks xlways in 6The Cat kIs xAlways iOn T6he Caot Iks Axlways Oin
ghe Ckat 8s Allways Onn gThe Ckoat 8Is Aways O Tghe Cokat I8s Awlays On rhe C9at us Akways Om rThe C9oat uIs Aklways Omn Trhe Co9at Ius Alkways Onm
C0at Iss Aoways Oh Te C0oat I Aolways Ohn Teh Co0at Is Aloways Onh Tje Clat Iz Apways Oj Tjhe Cloat Izs Aplways Ojn Thje Colat Isz Alpways Onj
Tue Ciat Iw Alwways Ob Tuhe Cioat Iws Alays Obn Thue Coiat Isw Alawys Onb Tne Coaat Id Alaays Tnhe Cot Ids Alaways Thne Cota Isd Alwaays
Tbe Cozt Ie Al3ays Tbhe Cozat Ies Al3ways Thbe Coazt Ise Alw3ays Tge Coqt Ix Aldays Coqat Ixs Aldways Thge Coaqt Isx Alwdays
Tye Cost Ia Aleays Cosat Ias Aleways Thye Coast Isa Alweays Thee Cowt Alsays Th Cowat Alsways The Coawt Alwsays
Ths Coxt Al2ays Thse Coxat Al2ways Thes Coaxt Alw2ays Th3 Coatt Alqays Th3e Coa Alqways The3 Coat Alwqays
Thf Coaf Thfe Coaft Alwys Thef Coatf Alwyas

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