Blues Song

I do think that you could be
Anything that you want to be
It's easy, easy when you say that time will tell
It don't mean the last orders bell is ringing, ringing
And there's always plenty more G&T in the sea
You keep playing the same tired old blues songs
Over the same tired old blues chords
Put those songs to sleep
They don't make me weep anymore
Your empty glass ain't no crystal ball
It can't tell you what the future's bringing,
And there's always plenty more G&T in the sea
Bringing it's bank holiday mundane
Medazalan may help to stop that stinging, stinging
And there's always plenty more G&T in the sea
You keep playing the same tired old blues songs
Over the same tired old blues chords
Put those songs to sleep
They don't make me weep anymore
And let it begin again, let it begin again
With a hearty meal and a map to read
Oh, life's been good to me
So keep playing those same old blues songs
You keep playing the same tired old blues songs
Over the same tired old blues chords
Put those songs to sleep
They don't make me weep anymore
They don't make me weep anymore

Mirror lyrics:

They don't make me weep anymore
They don't make me weep anymore
Put those songs to sleep
Over the same tired old blues chords
You keep playing the same tired old blues songs
So keep playing those same old blues songs
Oh, life's been good to me
With a hearty meal and a map to read
And let it begin again, let it begin again
They don't make me weep anymore
Put those songs to sleep
Over the same tired old blues chords
You keep playing the same tired old blues songs
And there's always plenty more G&T in the sea
Medazalan may help to stop that stinging, stinging
Bringing it's bank holiday mundane
And there's always plenty more G&T in the sea
It can't tell you what the future's bringing,
Your empty glass ain't no crystal ball
They don't make me weep anymore
Put those songs to sleep
Over the same tired old blues chords
You keep playing the same tired old blues songs
And there's always plenty more G&T in the sea
It don't mean the last orders bell is ringing, ringing
It's easy, easy when you say that time will tell
Anything that you want to be
I do think that you could be

Relevant Tags:
BBlues SSong lues ong lBues oSng vlues zong vBlues zSong Bvlues Szong glues wong gBlues wSong Bglues Swong nlues dong nBlues dSong
Bnlues Sdong hlues eong hBlues eSong Bhlues Seong Bllues xong Bues xSong Bules Sxong Bkues aong Bklues aSong Blkues Saong Boues Soong
Bolues Sng Bloues Snog Bpues Skng Bplues Skong Blpues Sokng Bluues S9ng Bles S9ong Bleus So9ng Blhes S0ng Blhues S0ong Bluhes So0ng
Bl7es Slng Bl7ues Slong Blu7es Solng Blkes Sing Siong Blukes Soing Blies Sonng Bliues Sog Bluies Sogn Bl8es Somg Bl8ues Somng
Blu8es Sonmg Bljes Sohg

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