Bobby Darin
Roses Of Picardy

Roses are shining in thicker fields
the roses are flowering in Picardy
but there's never a rose like you
and the roses will die with the summertime
and our rose may be so far apart
but there's one rose that dies not in Picardy
that's the rose that I keep in my heart

And the roses are gonna die with the summertime
and our rose may be so far apart
But there's one rose that dies not in Picardy
that's the rose that I keep locked up in my heart

Mirror lyrics:

that's the rose that I keep locked up in my heart
But there's one rose that dies not in Picardy
and our rose may be so far apart
And the roses are gonna die with the summertime

that's the rose that I keep in my heart
but there's one rose that dies not in Picardy
and our rose may be so far apart
and the roses will die with the summertime
but there's never a rose like you
the roses are flowering in Picardy
Roses are shining in thicker fields

Relevant Tags:
RRoses OOf PPicardy oses f icardy oRses fO iPcardy doses kf 0icardy dRoses kOf 0Picardy Rdoses Okf P0icardy 4oses 9f licardy
4Roses 9Of lPicardy R4oses O9f Plicardy goses 0f oicardy gRoses 0Of oPicardy Rgoses O0f Poicardy toses lf Piicardy tRoses lOf Pcardy
Rtoses Olf Pciardy 5oses if Pjcardy 5Roses iOf Pjicardy R5oses Oif Pijcardy foses Off P9cardy fRoses O P9icardy Rfoses Of Pi9cardy
eoses Oc Plcardy eRoses Ocf Reoses Ofc Pilcardy Rooses Or Pocardy Rses Orf Rsoes Ofr Piocardy Rkses Og Pkcardy
Rkoses Ogf Pkicardy Rokses Ofg Pikcardy R9ses Ot P8cardy R9oses Otf P8icardy Ro9ses Oft Pi8cardy R0ses Ov Pucardy R0oses Ovf Puicardy
Ro0ses Ofv Piucardy Rlses Od Piccardy Rloses Odf Piardy Rolses Ofd Piacrdy Rises Pifardy Rioses Pifcardy Roises Picfardy
Rosses Pixardy Roes Pixcardy Roess Picxardy Rozes Pivardy Rozses Pivcardy Roszes Picvardy Rowes Pidardy
Rowses Pidcardy Roswes Picdardy Rodes Picaardy Rodses Picrdy Rosdes Picrady Roees Piczrdy Roeses Piczardy
Rosees Picazrdy Roxes Picqrdy Roxses Picqardy Rosxes Picaqrdy Roaes Picsrdy Roases Picsardy Rosaes Picasrdy
Picwrdy Ross Picwardy Rosse Picawrdy

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