Bobby Bare
You Can't Stop The Wild Wind From Blowin'

(Curly Putman - Red Lane)

You can't stop the wild wind from blowing
You can't stop the wild wind from blowing.

Let us live just for tonight don't think of tomorrow
Any thoughts of loving me can only lead to sorrow
For soon I'll be going and you can't stop the wild wind from blowing
No you can't stop the wild wind from blowing.

Wild and free I gotta be, I've got to be going
And you can't stop the wild wind from blowing
You can't stop the wild wind from blowing.

Your lips are soft your kisses sweet and in your arms I love you
I can give just part of me then move on I've just got to
Like a wild raging river you can't stop the water from flowing
And you can't stop the wild wind from blowing.

Wild and free I gotta be, I've got to be going
And you can't stop the wild wind from blowing
You can't stop the wild wind from blowing...

Mirror lyrics:

You can't stop the wild wind from blowing...
And you can't stop the wild wind from blowing
Wild and free I gotta be, I've got to be going

And you can't stop the wild wind from blowing.
Like a wild raging river you can't stop the water from flowing
I can give just part of me then move on I've just got to
Your lips are soft your kisses sweet and in your arms I love you

You can't stop the wild wind from blowing.
And you can't stop the wild wind from blowing
Wild and free I gotta be, I've got to be going

No you can't stop the wild wind from blowing.
For soon I'll be going and you can't stop the wild wind from blowing
Any thoughts of loving me can only lead to sorrow
Let us live just for tonight don't think of tomorrow

You can't stop the wild wind from blowing.
You can't stop the wild wind from blowing

(Curly Putman - Red Lane)

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YYou CCan't SStop TThe WWild WWind FFrom BBlowin' ou an't top he ild ind rom lowin' oYu aCn't tSop hTe iWld iWnd rFom lBowin'
gou fan't ztop fhe aild aind crom vlowin' gYou fCan't zStop fThe aWild aWind cFrom vBlowin' Ygou Cfan't Sztop Tfhe Waild Waind Fcrom Bvlowin'
hou xan't wtop 5he 3ild 3ind rrom glowin' hYou xCan't wStop 5The 3Wild 3Wind rFrom gBlowin' Yhou Cxan't Swtop T5he W3ild W3ind Frrom Bglowin'
6ou van't dtop hhe dild dind grom nlowin' 6You vCan't dStop hThe dWild dWind gFrom nBlowin' Y6ou Cvan't Sdtop Thhe Wdild Wdind Fgrom Bnlowin'
uou dan't etop yhe eild eind trom hlowin' uYou dCan't eStop yThe eWild eWind tFrom hBlowin' Yuou Cdan't Setop Tyhe Weild Weind Ftrom Bhlowin'
7ou Caan't xtop 6he sild sind vrom Bllowin' 7You Cn't xStop 6The sWild sWind vFrom Bowin' Y7ou Cna't Sxtop T6he Wsild Wsind Fvrom Bolwin'
jou Czn't atop ghe 2ild 2ind drom Bkowin' jYou Czan't aStop gThe 2Wild 2Wind dFrom Bklowin' Yjou Cazn't Satop Tghe W2ild W2ind Fdrom Blkowin'
tou Cqn't Sttop rhe qild qind Boowin' tYou Cqan't Sop rThe qWild qWind Fom Bolowin' Ytou Caqn't Sotp Trhe Wqild Wqind Form Bloowin'
Yoou Csn't Sfop Wiild Wiind Fdom Bpowin' Yu Csan't Sftop Te Wld Wnd Bplowin' Yuo Casn't Stfop Teh Wlid Wnid Frdom Blpowin'
Yku Cwn't S5op Tje Wjld Wjnd F4om Ykou Cwan't S5top Tjhe Wjild Wjind F4rom Blwin' Yoku Cawn't St5op Thje Wijld Wijnd Fr4om Blwoin'
Y9u Cxn't Shop Tue W9ld W9nd Fgom Blkwin' Y9ou Shtop Tuhe W9ild W9ind Yo9u Caxn't Sthop Thue Wi9ld Wi9nd Frgom Blokwin'
Y0u Cann't Syop Tne Wlld Wlnd Ftom Bl9win' Y0ou Ca't Sytop Tnhe Wlild Wlind Bl9owin' Yo0u Ca'nt Styop Thne Willd Wilnd Frtom Blo9win'
Ylu Cam't S6op Tbe Wold Wond F5om Bl0win' Ylou Camn't S6top Tbhe Woild Woind F5rom Bl0owin' Yolu Canm't St6op Thbe Wiold Wiond Fr5om Blo0win'
Yiu Cah't Sgop Tge Wkld Wknd Ffom Bllwin' Yiou Cahn't Sgtop Wkild Wkind Ffrom Yoiu Canh't Stgop Thge Wikld Wiknd Frfom Blolwin'
Youu Caj't Srop Tye W8ld W8nd Feom Bliwin' Yo Cajn't Srtop W8ild W8ind Ferom Bliowin' You Canj't Strop Thye Wi8ld Wi8nd Freom Bloiwin'
Yoh Cab't Stoop Thee Wuld Wund Froom Blowwin' Yohu Cabn't Stp Th Wuild Wuind Frm Bloin' Youh Canb't Stpo The Wiuld Wiund Frmo Bloiwn'
Yo7 Can''t Stkp Ths Winnd Frkm Bloain' Yo7u Cant Stkop Thse Wid Wid Frkom Bloawin' You7 Cant' Stokp Thes Widl Widn Frokm Blowain'
Yok Can'tt St9p Th3 Wikd Wimd Fr9m Blo3in' Can' St9op Th3e Wimnd Fr9om Blo3win' Youk Can't Sto9p The3 Wilkd Winmd Fro9m Blow3in'

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