Bobby Bare
When Love Is Gone

(Tom T. Hall)

Spring could come, you'd never show it
Love could come, you'd never know it
Life has drawn so many tears from your eyes
You've been used then lost the user
You've been branded as a loser
Where did all the sincere people go?

When love is gone it will not return
The river's full of your tears the bridges have been burned
Someone took your four leaf clover all your lucky days are over
That's the way you feel when love is gone.

Nights're long dawn is heartless quiet heartaches in the darkness
How could scars so deep still plainly show
All the old dreams so delicious all the news came so suspicious
Where did all the simple pleasures go.

When love is gone it will not return
The river's full of your tears the bridges have been burned
Someone took your four leaf clover all your lucky days are over
That's the way you feel when love is gone...

Mirror lyrics:

That's the way you feel when love is gone...
Someone took your four leaf clover all your lucky days are over
The river's full of your tears the bridges have been burned
When love is gone it will not return

Where did all the simple pleasures go.
All the old dreams so delicious all the news came so suspicious
How could scars so deep still plainly show
Nights're long dawn is heartless quiet heartaches in the darkness

That's the way you feel when love is gone.
Someone took your four leaf clover all your lucky days are over
The river's full of your tears the bridges have been burned
When love is gone it will not return

Where did all the sincere people go?
You've been branded as a loser
You've been used then lost the user
Life has drawn so many tears from your eyes
Love could come, you'd never know it
Spring could come, you'd never show it

(Tom T. Hall)

Relevant Tags:
WWhen LLove IIs GGone hen ove s one hWen oLve sI oGne ahen kove js hone aWhen kLove jIs hGone Wahen Lkove Ijs Ghone
3hen oove 9s yone 3When oLove 9Is yGone W3hen Loove I9s Gyone dhen pove ls bone dWhen pLove lIs bGone Wdhen Lpove Ils Gbone
ehen os vone eWhen Lve oIs vGone Wehen Lvoe Ios Gvone shen Lkve ks fone sWhen kIs fGone Wshen Lokve Iks Gfone
2hen L9ve 8s tone 2When L9ove 8Is tGone W2hen Lo9ve I8s Gtone qhen L0ve us Goone qWhen L0ove uIs Gne Wqhen Lo0ve Ius Gnoe
Whhen Llve Iss Gkne Wen Llove I Gkone Wehn Lolve Is Gokne Wjen Live Iz G9ne Wjhen Liove Izs G9one Whjen Loive Isz Go9ne
Wuen Lovve Iw G0ne Wuhen Loe Iws G0one Whuen Loev Isw Go0ne Wnen Lobe Id Glne Wnhen Lobve Ids Glone Whnen Lovbe Isd Golne
Wben Loce Ie Gine Wbhen Locve Ies Gione Whben Lovce Ise Goine Wgen Loge Ix Gonne Wghen Logve Ixs Goe Whgen Lovge Isx Goen

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