Bobby Bare
Wife Of The Party

(Liz Anderson)

We both know a certain party
I won't mention any names
But you think you love this party
Who's brought me so much pain.

I don't know what he's told you
But I'll bet you think he's free
Wellm I'm the wife of this party
And he still belongs to me.

I'm the wife of the party
You go out with every night
I'm the wife of the party
Who holds you so tight.

In the arms of this party
You don't have the right to be
For the wife of the party is me.

--- Instrumental ---

When you look this certain party
He's a laughing boy I know
He's the life of every party
You should see him when he's home.

Always tired, always sleeping
Resting up to be with you
I should just let you keep him
But you see I love him too.

I'm the wife of the party
I'm the wife of the party
You go out with every night
I'm the wife of the party
Who holds you so tight.

In the arms of this party
You don't have the right to be
For the wife of the party is me.

Yes, the wife of the party is me...

Mirror lyrics:

Yes, the wife of the party is me...

For the wife of the party is me.
You don't have the right to be
In the arms of this party

Who holds you so tight.
I'm the wife of the party
You go out with every night
I'm the wife of the party
I'm the wife of the party

But you see I love him too.
I should just let you keep him
Resting up to be with you
Always tired, always sleeping

You should see him when he's home.
He's the life of every party
He's a laughing boy I know
When you look this certain party

--- Instrumental ---

For the wife of the party is me.
You don't have the right to be
In the arms of this party

Who holds you so tight.
I'm the wife of the party
You go out with every night
I'm the wife of the party

And he still belongs to me.
Wellm I'm the wife of this party
But I'll bet you think he's free
I don't know what he's told you

Who's brought me so much pain.
But you think you love this party
I won't mention any names
We both know a certain party

(Liz Anderson)

Relevant Tags:
WWife OOf TThe PParty ife f he arty iWfe fO hTe aPrty aife kf fhe 0arty aWife kOf fThe 0Party Waife Okf Tfhe P0arty
3ife 9f 5he larty 3Wife 9Of 5The lParty W3ife O9f T5he Plarty dife 0f hhe oarty dWife 0Of hThe oParty Wdife O0f Thhe Poarty
eife lf yhe Paarty eWife lOf yThe Prty Weife Olf Tyhe Praty sife if 6he Pzrty sWife iOf 6The Pzarty Wsife Oif T6he Pazrty
2ife Off ghe Pqrty 2Wife O gThe Pqarty W2ife Of Tghe Paqrty qife Oc rhe Psrty qWife Ocf rThe Psarty Wqife Ofc Trhe Pasrty
Wiife Or Pwrty Wfe Orf Te Pwarty Wfie Ofr Teh Pawrty Wjfe Og Tje Pxrty Wjife Ogf Tjhe Pxarty Wijfe Ofg Thje Paxrty
W9fe Ot Tue Parrty W9ife Otf Tuhe Paty Wi9fe Oft Thue Patry Wlfe Ov Tne Padty Wlife Ovf Tnhe Padrty Wilfe Ofv Thne Pardty
Wofe Od Tbe Pa4ty Woife Odf Tbhe Pa4rty Wiofe Ofd Thbe Par4ty Wkfe Tge Pagty Wkife Pagrty Wikfe Thge Pargty
W8fe Tye Patty W8ife Patrty Wi8fe Thye Partty Wufe Thee Pa5ty

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