Bobby Bare
Ten Thousand Dollars In Pennies

(Shel Silverstein)

I broke into the bank on Sunday
And you should see the money I got
I couldn't drag it home until Monday
'Cause it sure weighed an awful lot.

Then I sat down to count it
And much to my surprise
A whole lotta little round little brown coins
Rolled out in front of my eyes.

I got a hundred thousand dollars in pennies
Not one paper dollar or dime
And I really don't think there's many rich men
With a problem like mine.

And I really don't think this
Is any kind of ending for a perfect crime
I got a hundred thousand dollars in pennies
And I'm spendin' it a penny at a time.

Now a steak would sure taste delicious
And I've forgotten how beer would feel
But the man might get suspicious
If I gave him five hundred pennies for a meal.

So I guess I'll weigh myself again
And buy another stick o'gum
I got a hundred thousand dollars in pennies
And I'm a livin' like a penniless bum.

I've got a hundred thousand dollars in pennies
Not one paper dollar or dime
And I really don't think there's many rich men
With a problem like mine.

I could buy myself a big limousine
And be a livin' like a movie star
But I'd have to hire a truck to haul the pennies
To the place where you buy the car.

And I'd have to have a wagon to haul the pennies
To the place I'd hire the truck
I got a hundred thousand dollars in pennies
And I ain't got a penny's worth o'luck.

I've got a hundred thousand dollars in pennies
Not one paper dollar or dime
And I really don't think there's many rich men
With a problem like mine.

I got a hundred thousand dollars in pennies
And I'm spendin' it a penny at a time...

Mirror lyrics:

And I'm spendin' it a penny at a time...
I got a hundred thousand dollars in pennies

With a problem like mine.
And I really don't think there's many rich men
Not one paper dollar or dime
I've got a hundred thousand dollars in pennies

And I ain't got a penny's worth o'luck.
I got a hundred thousand dollars in pennies
To the place I'd hire the truck
And I'd have to have a wagon to haul the pennies

To the place where you buy the car.
But I'd have to hire a truck to haul the pennies
And be a livin' like a movie star
I could buy myself a big limousine

With a problem like mine.
And I really don't think there's many rich men
Not one paper dollar or dime
I've got a hundred thousand dollars in pennies

And I'm a livin' like a penniless bum.
I got a hundred thousand dollars in pennies
And buy another stick o'gum
So I guess I'll weigh myself again

If I gave him five hundred pennies for a meal.
But the man might get suspicious
And I've forgotten how beer would feel
Now a steak would sure taste delicious

And I'm spendin' it a penny at a time.
I got a hundred thousand dollars in pennies
Is any kind of ending for a perfect crime
And I really don't think this

With a problem like mine.
And I really don't think there's many rich men
Not one paper dollar or dime
I got a hundred thousand dollars in pennies

Rolled out in front of my eyes.
A whole lotta little round little brown coins
And much to my surprise
Then I sat down to count it

'Cause it sure weighed an awful lot.
I couldn't drag it home until Monday
And you should see the money I got
I broke into the bank on Sunday

(Shel Silverstein)

Relevant Tags:
TTen TThousand DDollars IIn PPennies en housand ollars n ennies eTn hTousand oDllars nI ePnnies fen fhousand xollars jn 0ennies fTen fThousand xDollars jIn 0Pennies
Tfen Tfhousand Dxollars Ijn P0ennies 5en 5housand eollars 9n lennies 5Ten 5Thousand eDollars 9In lPennies T5en T5housand Deollars I9n Plennies hen hhousand follars ln oennies
hTen hThousand fDollars lIn oPennies Then Thhousand Dfollars Iln Poennies yen yhousand rollars on Peennies yTen yThousand rDollars oIn Pnnies Tyen Tyhousand Drollars Ion Pnenies
6en 6housand collars kn Psnnies 6Ten 6Thousand cDollars kIn Psennies T6en T6housand Dcollars Ikn Pesnnies gen ghousand sollars 8n P3nnies gTen gThousand sDollars 8In P3ennies
Tgen Tghousand Dsollars I8n Pe3nnies ren rhousand Doollars un Pfnnies rTen rThousand Dllars uIn Pfennies Tren Trhousand Dlolars Iun Pefnnies Teen Dkllars Inn Prnnies
Tn Tousand Dkollars I Prennies Tne Tohusand Dokllars In Pernnies Tsn Tjousand D9llars Im P4nnies Tsen Tjhousand D9ollars Imn P4ennies Tesn Thjousand Do9llars Inm Pe4nnies
T3n Tuousand D0llars Ih Pdnnies T3en Tuhousand D0ollars Ihn Pdennies Te3n Thuousand Do0llars Inh Pednnies Tfn Tnousand Dlllars Ij Pwnnies Tnhousand Dlollars Pwennies
Tefn Thnousand Dolllars Inj Pewnnies Trn Tbousand Dillars Ib Pennnies Tbhousand Diollars Ibn Penies Tern Thbousand Doillars Inb Pennies T4n Tgousand Pemnies
T4en Dolars Pemnnies Te4n Thgousand Dollars Penmnies Tdn Tyousand Doklars Pehnies Tden Pehnnies Tedn Thyousand Dolklars Penhnies
Twn Thoousand Doolars Pejnies Twen Thusand Pejnnies Tewn Thuosand Dololars Penjnies Tenn Thkusand Doplars Pebnies Te Thkousand Dopllars Pebnnies
Ten Thokusand Dolplars Penbnies Tem Th9usand Temn Th9ousand Tenm Tho9usand Dolalrs Penines Teh Th0usand Dolkars Penmies
Tehn Th0ousand Tenh Tho0usand Dollkars Pennmies Tej Thlusand Doloars Penhies Tejn Thlousand Tenj Tholusand Dolloars Pennhies
Teb Thiusand Dolpars Penjies Tebn Thiousand Tenb Thoiusand Dollpars Pennjies Thouusand Dollaars Penbies Thosand Dollrs
Thosuand Dollras Pennbies Thohsand Dollzrs Penniies Thohusand Dollzars Pennes Thouhsand Dollazrs Penneis Tho7sand Dollqrs Pennjes
Tho7usand Dollqars Thou7sand Dollaqrs Pennijes Thoksand Dollsrs Penn9es Dollsars Penn9ies Thouksand Dollasrs Penni9es
Thoisand Dollwrs Pennles

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