Bobby Bare
The Streets Of Baltimore

(Harlan Howard - Tompall Glaser)

I sold the farm to take my woman where she longed to be
We left our kin and all our friends back there in Tennssee
I bought those oneway tickets she had often begged me for
And they took us to the streets of Baltimore.

Her heart was filled with laughter when she saw those city lights
She said the prettiest place on earth is Baltimore at night
Oh well, a man feels proud to give his woman what she's longing for
And I kind of liked the streets of Baltimore.

Well, I got myself a factory job, I ran an old machine
I bought a little cottage in a neighborhood serene
Yet every night when I came home with every muscle sore
She would drag me through the streets of Baltimore.

Well, I did my best to bring her back to what she used to be
But I soon learned she loved those bright lights much more than she loved me
Now I'm a going back on that same train that brought me here before
While my baby walks the streets of Baltimore.

Yes, my baby walks the streets of Baltimore...

Mirror lyrics:

Yes, my baby walks the streets of Baltimore...

While my baby walks the streets of Baltimore.
Now I'm a going back on that same train that brought me here before
But I soon learned she loved those bright lights much more than she loved me
Well, I did my best to bring her back to what she used to be

She would drag me through the streets of Baltimore.
Yet every night when I came home with every muscle sore
I bought a little cottage in a neighborhood serene
Well, I got myself a factory job, I ran an old machine

And I kind of liked the streets of Baltimore.
Oh well, a man feels proud to give his woman what she's longing for
She said the prettiest place on earth is Baltimore at night
Her heart was filled with laughter when she saw those city lights

And they took us to the streets of Baltimore.
I bought those oneway tickets she had often begged me for
We left our kin and all our friends back there in Tennssee
I sold the farm to take my woman where she longed to be

(Harlan Howard - Tompall Glaser)

Relevant Tags:
TThe SStreets OOf BBaltimore he treets f altimore hTe tSreets fO aBltimore fhe ztreets kf valtimore fThe zStreets kOf vBaltimore Tfhe Sztreets Okf Bvaltimore
5he wtreets 9f galtimore 5The wStreets 9Of gBaltimore T5he Swtreets O9f Bgaltimore hhe dtreets 0f naltimore hThe dStreets 0Of nBaltimore Thhe Sdtreets O0f Bnaltimore
yhe etreets lf haltimore yThe eStreets lOf hBaltimore Tyhe Setreets Olf Bhaltimore 6he xtreets if Baaltimore 6The xStreets iOf Bltimore T6he Sxtreets Oif Blatimore
ghe atreets Off Bzltimore gThe aStreets O Bzaltimore Tghe Satreets Of Bazltimore rhe Sttreets Oc Bqltimore rThe Sreets Ocf Bqaltimore Trhe Srteets Ofc Baqltimore
Sfreets Or Bsltimore Te Sftreets Orf Bsaltimore Teh Stfreets Ofr Basltimore Tje S5reets Og Bwltimore Tjhe S5treets Ogf Bwaltimore Thje St5reets Ofg Bawltimore
Tue Shreets Ot Bxltimore Tuhe Shtreets Otf Bxaltimore Thue Sthreets Oft Baxltimore Tne Syreets Ov Balltimore Tnhe Sytreets Ovf Batimore Thne Styreets Ofv Batlimore
Tbe S6reets Od Baktimore Tbhe S6treets Odf Bakltimore Thbe St6reets Ofd Balktimore Tge Sgreets Baotimore Sgtreets Baoltimore Thge Stgreets Balotimore
Tye Srreets Baptimore Srtreets Bapltimore Thye Strreets Balptimore Thee Balttimore Th Steets Balimore The Sterets Balitmore
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Thf Stgeets Balhimore Thfe Balhtimore Thef Strgeets Balthimore Thr Stteets Balyimore Thre Balytimore Ther Strteets Baltyimore
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