Bobby Bare
I've Got A Thing About Trains

(Jack Clement)

I get a sad kind of feeling
When I see a passenger train
In this fast movin' world we live in
Nobody rides them much these days.

Oh, maybe I'm just sentimental
'Cause I know that things have to change
But I still like to go for a train ride
'Cause I've got a thing about trains.

Train, train, train
You're out of place these days
But you've had your days of glory
Train, train, train.

--- Instrumental ---

Train they say you're too slow for travelin'
But I'm gonna miss you some day
When my little boy says daddy
What was it like to ride a train?

I'll say it was a good way to travel
When things didn't move quite so fast
And I'm sorry that you can't ride one
But trains are the thing of the past.

Train, train, train,
You're fading from the scene
But I'm gonna mourn your passing
Train, train, train.

--- Instrumental ---

So if you're tired of people and buildings
Weary of worry and strain
Then you ought to go on a train ride
And look out the window at things.

Go for a ride down to Memphis
The night train is still right on time
But I read in the papers this mornin'
Next week they're gonna take it off the line.

Train, train, train
Blow your whistle proudly and loud
As you roll to your place in hist'ry
Train, train, train.

I've got a thing about trains...

(Narrative by Bobby spoken after song:

(He'll fly till he finds that old gang of mine)
They call me a city boy and that's right I'm from New York the big city
It didn't seem so big to me though before I went into the service
The city to me was mostly the neighborhood where I grew up
And the kids I grew up with.

Mirror lyrics:

And the kids I grew up with.
The city to me was mostly the neighborhood where I grew up
It didn't seem so big to me though before I went into the service
They call me a city boy and that's right I'm from New York the big city
(He'll fly till he finds that old gang of mine)

(Narrative by Bobby spoken after song:

I've got a thing about trains...

Train, train, train.
As you roll to your place in hist'ry
Blow your whistle proudly and loud
Train, train, train

Next week they're gonna take it off the line.
But I read in the papers this mornin'
The night train is still right on time
Go for a ride down to Memphis

And look out the window at things.
Then you ought to go on a train ride
Weary of worry and strain
So if you're tired of people and buildings

--- Instrumental ---

Train, train, train.
But I'm gonna mourn your passing
You're fading from the scene
Train, train, train,

But trains are the thing of the past.
And I'm sorry that you can't ride one
When things didn't move quite so fast
I'll say it was a good way to travel

What was it like to ride a train?
When my little boy says daddy
But I'm gonna miss you some day
Train they say you're too slow for travelin'

--- Instrumental ---

Train, train, train.
But you've had your days of glory
You're out of place these days
Train, train, train

'Cause I've got a thing about trains.
But I still like to go for a train ride
'Cause I know that things have to change
Oh, maybe I'm just sentimental

Nobody rides them much these days.
In this fast movin' world we live in
When I see a passenger train
I get a sad kind of feeling

(Jack Clement)

Relevant Tags:
II've GGot AA TThing AAbout TTrains 've ot hing bout rains 'Ive oGt A hTing bAout rTains j've hot z fhing zbout frains jI've hGot zA fThing zAbout fTrains
Ij've Ghot Az Tfhing Azbout Tfrains 9've yot q 5hing qbout 5rains 9I've yGot qA 5Thing qAbout 5Trains I9've Gyot Aq T5hing Aqbout T5rains l've bot s hhing sbout hrains
lI've bGot sA hThing sAbout hTrains Il've Gbot As Thhing Asbout Thrains o've vot w yhing wbout yrains oI've vGot wA yThing wAbout yTrains Io've Gvot Aw Tyhing Awbout Tyrains
k've fot x 6hing xbout 6rains kI've fGot xA 6Thing xAbout 6Trains Ik've Gfot Ax T6hing Axbout T6rains 8've tot ghing Abbout grains 8I've tGot gThing Aout gTrains
I8've Gtot Tghing Aobut Tgrains u've Goot rhing Avout rrains uI've Gt rThing Avbout rTrains Iu've Gto Trhing Abvout Trrains I''ve Gkt Agout
Ive Gkot Ting Agbout Tains Iv'e Gokt Tihng Abgout Tarins I'vve G9t Tjing Anout Tdains I'e G9ot Tjhing Anbout Tdrains I'ev Go9t Thjing Abnout Trdains
I'be G0t Tuing Ahout T4ains I'bve G0ot Tuhing Ahbout T4rains I'vbe Go0t Thuing Abhout Tr4ains I'ce Glt Tning Aboout Tgains I'cve Glot Tnhing Abut
I'vce Golt Thning Abuot Trgains I'ge Git Tbing Abkut Ttains I'gve Giot Tbhing Abkout Ttrains I'vge Goit Thbing Abokut Trtains I'fe Gott Tging Ab9ut T5ains
I'fve Go Ab9out I'vfe Got Thging Abo9ut Tr5ains I'vee Gof Tying Ab0ut Tfains I'v Goft Ab0out I've Gotf Thying Abo0ut Trfains
I'vs Go5 Thiing Ablut Teains I'vse Go5t Thng Ablout Terains I'ves Got5 Thnig Abolut Treains I'v3 Goh Thjng Abiut Traains I'v3e Goht Abiout Trins
I've3 Goth Thijng Aboiut Trians I'vf Goy Th9ng Abouut Trzins Goyt Th9ing Abot Trzains I'vef Goty Thi9ng Abotu Trazins I'vr Go6 Thlng Aboht Trqins
I'vre Go6t Thling Abohut Trqains I'ver Got6 Thilng Abouht Traqins I'v4 Gog Thong Abo7t Trsins I'v4e Gogt Thoing Abo7ut Trsains I've4 Gotg Thiong Abou7t Trasins
I'vd Gor Thkng Abokt Trwins

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