Cathy Dennis
My Beating Heart

You ask how I feel and I lie
But you know the answer
Words mean nothing
Read my eyes they say everything
I can't hide the truth although I've tried
If you get real close you'll know I lied
Listen to the sound of my beating heart
You can make it start whenever you want
Baby you're the one triggers off my drum
And it turns me on when I'm in your arms
The sound you hear in the dark is my beating heart
The sound you hear in the dark is my beating heart
The still of the night gets so loud
Thats it's almost defening
I can't run from myself or from you
I can't stop it happening
My knees get weak and I can't speak
I can't catch my breath when you're next to me
Listen to the sound of my beating heart
You can make it start whenever you want
Baby you're the one triggers off my drum
And it turns me on when I'm in your arms
The sound you hear in the dark is my beating heart
The sound you hear in the dark is my beating heart
I don't think that I could live without you
I'm sure your touch keeps me alive
My heart's let you know a thousand times
What words can never say.
Listen to the sound of my beating heart
You can make it start whenever you want
Baby you're the one triggers off my drum
And it turns me on when I'm in your arms
The sound you hear in the dark is my beating heart
The sound you hear in the dark is my beating heart

Mirror lyrics:

The sound you hear in the dark is my beating heart
The sound you hear in the dark is my beating heart
And it turns me on when I'm in your arms
Baby you're the one triggers off my drum
You can make it start whenever you want
Listen to the sound of my beating heart
What words can never say.
My heart's let you know a thousand times
I'm sure your touch keeps me alive
I don't think that I could live without you
The sound you hear in the dark is my beating heart
The sound you hear in the dark is my beating heart
And it turns me on when I'm in your arms
Baby you're the one triggers off my drum
You can make it start whenever you want
Listen to the sound of my beating heart
I can't catch my breath when you're next to me
My knees get weak and I can't speak
I can't stop it happening
I can't run from myself or from you
Thats it's almost defening
The still of the night gets so loud
The sound you hear in the dark is my beating heart
The sound you hear in the dark is my beating heart
And it turns me on when I'm in your arms
Baby you're the one triggers off my drum
You can make it start whenever you want
Listen to the sound of my beating heart
If you get real close you'll know I lied
I can't hide the truth although I've tried
Read my eyes they say everything
Words mean nothing
But you know the answer
You ask how I feel and I lie

Relevant Tags:
MMy BBeating HHeart y eating eart yM eBating eHart jy veating jeart jMy vBeating jHeart Mjy Bveating Hjeart ky geating ueart
kMy gBeating uHeart Mky Bgeating Hueart ny neating neart nMy nBeating nHeart Mny Bneating Hneart Myy heating beart M hBeating bHeart
My Bheating Hbeart Mg Beeating geart Mgy Bating gHeart Myg Baeting Hgeart Mh Bsating yeart Mhy Bseating yHeart Myh Besating Hyeart
M6 B3ating Heeart M6y B3eating Hart My6 Be3ating Haert Mu Bfating Hsart Muy Bfeating Hseart Myu Befating Hesart M7 Brating H3art
M7y Breating H3eart My7 Berating He3art Mj B4ating Hfart B4eating Hfeart Myj Be4ating Hefart Mt Bdating Hrart Mty Bdeating Hreart
Myt Bedating Herart Bwating H4art Bweating H4eart Bewating He4art Beaating Hdart Beting Hdeart Betaing Hedart
Bezting Hwart Bezating Hweart Beazting Hewart Beqting Heaart Beqating Hert Beaqting Herat Besting Hezrt
Hezart Beasting Heazrt Bewting Heqrt Heqart Beawting Heaqrt Bexting Hesrt Bexating
Beaxting Heasrt Beatting Hewrt Beaing Beaitng Heawrt Beafing Hexrt Beafting Hexart Beatfing Heaxrt
Bea5ing Hearrt Bea5ting Heat Beat5ing Heatr Beahing Headt Beahting Headrt

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