Catherine Wheel
Kill Rhythm

I wanna fire a gun - show me
I wanna be unseen - show me
A deep disguise
A deep disguise

Five years of nothing good
Still screaming
Shout this secrets out
Deep, distant and pure
Deep, distant and pure
Kill rhythm

Deep feelings, I'm keeping, still dreaming
Now, my secrets out
Deep, distant and pure

I wanna walk on air - show me
It's gonna feel so rare - show me
Don't wanna look suspicious or undone
But I really think this rhythm is the only one

Five years of nothing good
And still screaming
Shout, get this secret out
Deep, distant and pure

Deep feelings, I'm keeping, cold comfort,
Shout - this secrets out
Deep, distant and pure
Deep, distant and pure

I wanna fire the gun - show me
I wanna be unseen - show me
A deep disguise
To kill this guy

Finalize the rhythm
The rhythm

Deep feelings I'm seeking, kill rhythm
Shout this secrets out
Deep, distant and pure
Deep, distant and pure

Mirror lyrics:

Deep, distant and pure
Deep, distant and pure
Shout this secrets out
Deep feelings I'm seeking, kill rhythm

The rhythm
Finalize the rhythm

To kill this guy
A deep disguise
I wanna be unseen - show me
I wanna fire the gun - show me

Deep, distant and pure
Deep, distant and pure
Shout - this secrets out
Deep feelings, I'm keeping, cold comfort,

Deep, distant and pure
Shout, get this secret out
And still screaming
Five years of nothing good

But I really think this rhythm is the only one
Don't wanna look suspicious or undone
It's gonna feel so rare - show me
I wanna walk on air - show me

Deep, distant and pure
Now, my secrets out
Deep feelings, I'm keeping, still dreaming

Kill rhythm
Deep, distant and pure
Deep, distant and pure
Shout this secrets out
Still screaming
Five years of nothing good

A deep disguise
A deep disguise
I wanna be unseen - show me
I wanna fire a gun - show me

Relevant Tags:
KKill RRhythm ill hythm iKll hRythm lill dhythm lKill dRhythm Klill Rdhythm oill 4hythm oKill 4Rhythm Koill R4hythm mill ghythm
mKill gRhythm Kmill Rghythm jill thythm jKill tRhythm Kjill Rthythm iill 5hythm iKill 5Rhythm Kiill R5hythm fhythm Kll fRhythm
Klil Rfhythm Kjll ehythm eRhythm Kijll Rehythm K9ll Rhhythm K9ill Rythm Ki9ll Ryhthm Klll Rjythm Rjhythm Killl Rhjythm
Koll Ruythm Ruhythm Kioll Rhuythm Kkll Rnythm Kkill Rnhythm Kikll Rhnythm K8ll Rbythm K8ill Rbhythm Ki8ll Rhbythm Kull Rgythm
Kuill Kiull Rhgythm Ryythm Kil Ryhythm Kill Rhyythm Kikl Rhthm Kilkl Rhtyhm Kiol Rhgthm Kilol Rhygthm
Kipl Rhhthm Kipll Kilpl Rhyhthm Rh6thm

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