Catherine Wheel
God Inside My Head

I've been fed all my life
Had stories read to hypnotize
I bang my head against the wall
Deep inside my head I've found
Some signs of life a mushroom cloud
I teach I reach the greed oh this is the mouth I feed
With love with love so don't be accusing me
I've got God inside my head
I've got God inside my head
I've got God inside my head oh
Bless my soul one false hope and wisdom there
This punk's no dope and I feel the need to share
Cuz I teach and I reach the greed oh this is the mouth I feed
With love with love so don't be accusing me
I've got God inside my head
I've got God inside my head
I've got God inside my head, my head, my head, my head
Oh oh oh
Just don't remind me
Don't remind me
Don't remind me
That I teach and I reach the greed oh this is the mouth I feed
And I refuse to believe there's a cynical bone in me
I've got God inside my head
I've got God inside my head
I've got God inside my head, my head, my head
I don't wanna die
I don't wanna die
I don't wanna die

Mirror lyrics:

I don't wanna die
I don't wanna die
I don't wanna die
I've got God inside my head, my head, my head
I've got God inside my head
I've got God inside my head
And I refuse to believe there's a cynical bone in me
That I teach and I reach the greed oh this is the mouth I feed
Don't remind me
Don't remind me
Just don't remind me
Oh oh oh
I've got God inside my head, my head, my head, my head
I've got God inside my head
I've got God inside my head
With love with love so don't be accusing me
Cuz I teach and I reach the greed oh this is the mouth I feed
This punk's no dope and I feel the need to share
Bless my soul one false hope and wisdom there
I've got God inside my head oh
I've got God inside my head
I've got God inside my head
With love with love so don't be accusing me
I teach I reach the greed oh this is the mouth I feed
Some signs of life a mushroom cloud
Deep inside my head I've found
I bang my head against the wall
Had stories read to hypnotize
I've been fed all my life

Relevant Tags:
GGod IInside MMy HHead od nside y ead oGd nIside yM eHad hod jnside jy jead hGod jInside jMy jHead Ghod Ijnside Mjy Hjead
yod 9nside ky uead yGod 9Inside kMy uHead Gyod I9nside Mky Huead bod lnside ny nead bGod lInside nMy nHead Gbod Ilnside Mny Hnead
vod onside Myy bead vGod oInside M bHead Gvod Ionside My Hbead fod knside Mg gead fGod kInside Mgy gHead Gfod Iknside Myg Hgead
tod 8nside Mh yead tGod 8Inside Mhy yHead Gtod I8nside Myh Hyead Good unside M6 Heead Gd uInside M6y Had Gdo Iunside My6 Haed
Gkd Innside Mu Hsad Gkod Iside Muy Hsead Gokd Isnide Myu Hesad G9d Imside M7 H3ad G9od Imnside M7y H3ead Go9d Inmside My7 He3ad
G0d Ihside Mj Hfad G0od Ihnside Hfead Go0d Inhside Myj Hefad Gld Ijside Mt Hrad Glod Mty Hread Gold Injside Myt Herad
Gid Ibside H4ad Giod Ibnside H4ead Goid Inbside He4ad Godd Insside Hdad Go Inide Hdead God Inisde Hedad
Gox Inzide Hwad Goxd Inzside Hwead Godx Inszide Hewad Goe Inwide Heaad Goed Inwside Hed Gode Inswide Heda
Gof Indide Hezd Gofd Indside Hezad Godf Insdide Heazd Gor Ineide Heqd Gord Ineside Heqad Godr Inseide Heaqd
Goc Inxide Hesd Gocd Inxside Godc Insxide Heasd Gos Inaide Hewd Gosd Inaside Gods Insaide Heawd
Insiide Hexd Insde Hexad

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