Catherine Wheel
All Of That

I am a brute, but I abstain
I am foolish I am vain
Yeah I'm a fan
I am the brother of a famous man
I am gorgeous I am right
I have left this planet but I'll be back
I am delicious I am crap
I am all of that
I am all of that

I am smooth but I am crusted
I am speechless I can be trusted
I'm baby blue I am the nursery attached to you
I've been happy I've been sad
I graced this planet experienced that
I've been set up I've been set back
I've been all of that
I've been all of that

I'm enormous I am slight
I have left this planet but I'll be back
I am religious I am fat
I am all of that
I am all of that
I am all of that
And soon the time will come
When everybody's somebody
And nobody is anybody

Mirror lyrics:

And nobody is anybody
When everybody's somebody
And soon the time will come
I am all of that
I am all of that
I am all of that
I am religious I am fat
I have left this planet but I'll be back
I'm enormous I am slight

I've been all of that
I've been all of that
I've been set up I've been set back
I graced this planet experienced that
I've been happy I've been sad
I'm baby blue I am the nursery attached to you
I am speechless I can be trusted
I am smooth but I am crusted

I am all of that
I am all of that
I am delicious I am crap
I have left this planet but I'll be back
I am gorgeous I am right
I am the brother of a famous man
Yeah I'm a fan
I am foolish I am vain
I am a brute, but I abstain

Relevant Tags:
AAll OOf TThat ll f hat lAl fO hTat zll kf fhat zAll kOf fThat Azll Okf Tfhat qll 9f 5hat qAll 9Of 5That Aqll O9f T5hat sll 0f hhat
sAll 0Of hThat Asll O0f Thhat wll lf yhat wAll lOf yThat Awll Olf Tyhat xll if 6hat xAll iOf 6That Axll Oif T6hat Alll Off ghat Al O gThat
All Of Tghat Akl Oc rhat Akll Ocf rThat Alkl Ofc Trhat Aol Or Aoll Orf Tat Alol Ofr Taht Apl Og Tjat Apll Ogf Tjhat Alpl Ofg Thjat
Ot Tuat Otf Tuhat Oft Thuat Alk Ov Tnat Ovf Tnhat Allk Ofv Thnat Alo Od Tbat Odf Tbhat Allo Ofd Thbat Alp Tgat
Allp Thgat

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