Cats On Fire
The True Nature Of An Empty Town

I guess I'll amplify
the nomad needs of mine
I guess I'm clinging to
the caravan we run

Nothing will change my mind
I'm all fed up
with this empty town of ours

I recognize the holes in the street
and the colours, shades of gray
I recognize the holes in the street
and the colours, shades of gray

The local patriots
at some point they gave up
They sadly couldn't stay
as sorry as they were

I know they're lying when the say they felt a rush
in this empty town of ours

I recognize the holes in the street
and the colours, shades of gray
I recognize the holes in the street
and the colours, shades of gray

Anyway, that's okay for now
Because we are not here to fool around
They will pay you to stay
To hell with them anyway

Why would you stay?
Let's leave today!
But why do you cry, won't you say?

Mirror lyrics:

But why do you cry, won't you say?
Let's leave today!
Why would you stay?

To hell with them anyway
They will pay you to stay
Because we are not here to fool around
Anyway, that's okay for now

and the colours, shades of gray
I recognize the holes in the street
and the colours, shades of gray
I recognize the holes in the street

in this empty town of ours
I know they're lying when the say they felt a rush

as sorry as they were
They sadly couldn't stay
at some point they gave up
The local patriots

and the colours, shades of gray
I recognize the holes in the street
and the colours, shades of gray
I recognize the holes in the street

with this empty town of ours
I'm all fed up
Nothing will change my mind

the caravan we run
I guess I'm clinging to
the nomad needs of mine
I guess I'll amplify

Relevant Tags:
TThe TTrue NNature OOf AAn EEmpty TTown he rue ature f n mpty own hTe rTue aNture fO nA mEpty oTwn fhe frue mature kf zn smpty fown fThe fTrue mNature kOf zAn sEmpty fTown
Tfhe Tfrue Nmature Okf Azn Esmpty Tfown 5he 5rue hature 9f qn 3mpty 5own 5The 5True hNature 9Of qAn 3Empty 5Town T5he T5rue Nhature O9f Aqn E3mpty T5own hhe hrue jature 0f sn fmpty hown
hThe hTrue jNature 0Of sAn fEmpty hTown Thhe Thrue Njature O0f Asn Efmpty Thown yhe yrue bature lf wn rmpty yown yThe yTrue bNature lOf wAn rEmpty yTown Tyhe Tyrue Nbature Olf Awn Ermpty Tyown
6he 6rue Naature if xn 4mpty 6own 6The 6True Nture iOf xAn 4Empty 6Town T6he T6rue Ntaure Oif Axn E4mpty T6own ghe grue Nzture Off Ann dmpty gown gThe gTrue Nzature O A dEmpty gTown
Tghe Tgrue Nazture Of An Edmpty Tgown rhe rrue Nqture Oc Am wmpty rown rThe rTrue Nqature Ocf Amn wEmpty rTown Trhe Trrue Naqture Ofc Anm Ewmpty Trown Nsture Or Ah Emmpty Toown
Te Tue Nsature Orf Ahn Epty Twn Teh Ture Nasture Ofr Anh Epmty Twon Tje Tdue Nwture Og Aj Ejpty Tkwn Tjhe Tdrue Nwature Ogf Ajn Ejmpty Tkown Thje Trdue Nawture Ofg Anj Emjpty Tokwn
Tue T4ue Nxture Ot Ab Ekpty T9wn Tuhe T4rue Nxature Otf Abn Ekmpty T9own Thue Tr4ue Naxture Oft Anb Emkpty To9wn Tne Tgue Natture Ov Enpty T0wn Tnhe Naure Ovf Enmpty T0own
Thne Trgue Nautre Ofv Emnpty To0wn Tbe Ttue Nafure Od Emppty Tlwn Tbhe Ttrue Nafture Odf Emty Tlown Thbe Trtue Natfure Ofd Emtpy Tolwn Tge T5ue Na5ure Em0ty Tiwn
Na5ture Em0pty Tiown Thge Tr5ue Nat5ure Emp0ty Toiwn Tye Tfue Nahure Emlty Towwn Nahture Emlpty Ton Thye Trfue Nathure Emplty Tonw
Thee Teue Nayure Emoty Toan Th Terue Nayture Emopty Toawn The Treue Natyure Empoty Towan Ths Truue Na6ure Emptty To3n Thse Tre Na6ture Empy To3wn
Thes Treu Nat6ure Empyt Tow3n Th3 Trhe Nagure Empfy Todn Th3e Trhue Nagture Empfty Todwn The3 Truhe Natgure Emptfy Towdn Thf Tr7e Narure Emp5y Toen
Thfe Tr7ue Narture Emp5ty Toewn Thef Tru7e Natrure Empt5y Towen Thr Trke Natuure Emphy Tosn Thre Trkue Natre Emphty Toswn Ther Truke Natrue Empthy Towsn
Th4 Trie Nathre Empyy To2n

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