Celtic Thunder
Spending Our First Christmas Together

Don't mind the snow that's falling
The carol singers calling
I'm just happy
To be spending our first Christmas

And I'll be more than jolly
With the mistletoe and holly
Tonight as we are counting down to Christmas
Just you and me

With those jingle bells ringing
As I'm holding you near
I'll be making a toast
May tonight be the most
Unforgettable night of the year

The sound of
Jingle bells and laughter
Will remind us ever after
Of how we spent that magical first Christmas
Just you and me

Just you and me

With those jingle bells ringing
As I'm holding you near
I'll be making a toast
May tonight be the most
Unforgettable night of the year
The year

Cuddled up and cozy
The future's looking rosy
And I can see us spending every Christmas
Just you and me
Just you and me
Just you and me
Just you and me

Mirror lyrics:

Just you and me
Just you and me
Just you and me
Just you and me
And I can see us spending every Christmas
The future's looking rosy
Cuddled up and cozy

The year
Unforgettable night of the year
May tonight be the most
I'll be making a toast
As I'm holding you near
With those jingle bells ringing

Just you and me

Just you and me
Of how we spent that magical first Christmas
Will remind us ever after
Jingle bells and laughter
The sound of

Unforgettable night of the year
May tonight be the most
I'll be making a toast
As I'm holding you near
With those jingle bells ringing

Just you and me
Tonight as we are counting down to Christmas
With the mistletoe and holly
And I'll be more than jolly

To be spending our first Christmas
I'm just happy
The carol singers calling
Don't mind the snow that's falling

Relevant Tags:
SSpending OOur FFirst CChristmas TTogether pending ur irst hristmas ogether pSending uOr iFrst hCristmas oTgether
zpending kur cirst fhristmas fogether zSpending kOur cFirst fChristmas fTogether Szpending Okur Fcirst Cfhristmas Tfogether
wpending 9ur rirst xhristmas 5ogether wSpending 9Our rFirst xChristmas 5Together Swpending O9ur Frirst Cxhristmas T5ogether
dpending 0ur girst vhristmas hogether dSpending 0Our gFirst vChristmas hTogether Sdpending O0ur Fgirst Cvhristmas Thogether
epending lur tirst dhristmas yogether eSpending lOur tFirst dChristmas yTogether Sepending Olur Ftirst Cdhristmas Tyogether
xpending iur virst Chhristmas 6ogether xSpending iOur vFirst Cristmas 6Together Sxpending Oiur Fvirst Crhistmas T6ogether
apending Ouur dirst Cjristmas gogether aSpending Or dFirst Cjhristmas gTogether Sapending Oru Fdirst Chjristmas Tgogether
Sppending Ohr Fiirst Curistmas rogether Sending Ohur Frst Cuhristmas rTogether Sepnding Ouhr Frist Churistmas Trogether
S0ending O7r Fjrst Cnristmas Toogether S0pending O7ur Fjirst Cnhristmas Tgether Sp0ending Ou7r Fijrst Chnristmas Tgoether
Slending Okr F9rst Cbristmas Tkgether Slpending F9irst Cbhristmas Tkogether Splending Oukr Fi9rst Chbristmas Tokgether
Soending Oir Flrst Cgristmas T9gether Sopending Flirst Cghristmas T9ogether Spoending Ouir Filrst Chgristmas To9gether
Speending O8r Forst Cyristmas T0gether Spnding O8ur Foirst Cyhristmas T0ogether Spneding Ou8r Fiorst Chyristmas To0gether
Spsnding Ojr Fkrst Chrristmas Tlgether Spsending Ojur Fkirst Chistmas Tlogether Spesnding Oujr Fikrst Chirstmas Tolgether
Sp3nding Oyr F8rst Chdistmas Tigether Sp3ending Oyur F8irst Chdristmas Tiogether Spe3nding Ouyr Fi8rst Chrdistmas Toigether
Spfnding Ourr Furst Ch4istmas Toggether Spfending Ou Fuirst Ch4ristmas Toether Spefnding Our Fiurst Chr4istmas Toegther
Sprnding Oud Firrst Chgistmas Tohether Sprending Oudr Fist Tohgether Spernding Ourd Fisrt Chrgistmas Toghether
Sp4nding Ou4 Fidst Chtistmas Toyether Sp4ending Ou4r Fidrst Chtristmas Toygether Spe4nding Our4 Firdst Chrtistmas Togyether
Spdnding Oug Fi4st Ch5istmas Tobether Spdending Ougr Fi4rst Ch5ristmas Tobgether Spednding Ourg Fir4st Chr5istmas Togbether
Spwnding Out Figst Chfistmas Tovether Spwending Outr Figrst Chfristmas Tovgether Spewnding Ourt Firgst Chrfistmas Togvether
Spennding Ou5 Fitst Cheistmas Tofether Speding Ou5r Fitrst Cheristmas Tofgether Spedning Our5 Firtst Chreistmas Togfether
Spemding Ouf Fi5st Chriistmas Totether Spemnding Oufr Fi5rst Chrstmas Totgether Spenmding Ourf Fir5st Chrsitmas Togtether
Spehding Oue Fifst Chrjstmas Togeether Spehnding Ouer Fifrst Chrjistmas Togther Spenhding Oure Firfst Chrijstmas Togteher
Spejding Fiest Chr9stmas Togsther Spejnding Fierst Chr9istmas Togsether Spenjding Firest Chri9stmas Togesther
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