Celtic Thunder
Gold & Silver Days

As I sit here by the fireside
I'm turning back the years.
I can hear my mother singing in the morning
As she scrubbed our shining faces
And then packed us off to school.
All too soon those days were over without warning.

So sing me the songs of our gold and silver days,
Days filled with innocence and light.
Not a penny to our name,
We were happy just the same
In our gold and silver days.

In the parlour on a Friday night,
My father took the floor.
I can hear us join together in the chorus,
Singing "Just a Song at Twilight"
And "The Moon behind the Hill".
Now those voices are all silenced, gone before us.


We gathered at the Daisy Field
On Sunday afternoon,
And we danced to Johnny Quigley and the Royal.
Through the years we all were scattered,
But our friends were good and true,
Always there when they were needed, always loyal.


Mirror lyrics:


Always there when they were needed, always loyal.
But our friends were good and true,
Through the years we all were scattered,
And we danced to Johnny Quigley and the Royal.
On Sunday afternoon,
We gathered at the Daisy Field


Now those voices are all silenced, gone before us.
And "The Moon behind the Hill".
Singing "Just a Song at Twilight"
I can hear us join together in the chorus,
My father took the floor.
In the parlour on a Friday night,

In our gold and silver days.
We were happy just the same
Not a penny to our name,
Days filled with innocence and light.
So sing me the songs of our gold and silver days,

All too soon those days were over without warning.
And then packed us off to school.
As she scrubbed our shining faces
I can hear my mother singing in the morning
I'm turning back the years.
As I sit here by the fireside

Relevant Tags:
GGold && SSilver DDays old ilver ays oGld & iSlver aDys hold zilver xays hGold zSilver xDays Ghold Szilver Dxays
yold wilver eays yGold wSilver eDays Gyold Swilver Deays bold dilver fays bGold dSilver fDays Gbold Sdilver Dfays
vold eilver rays vGold eSilver rDays Gvold Seilver Drays fold xilver cays fGold xSilver cDays Gfold Sxilver Dcays
told ailver says tGold aSilver sDays Gtold Sailver Dsays Goold Siilver Daays Gld Slver Dys Glod Sliver Dyas
Gkld Sjlver Dzys Gkold Sjilver Dzays Gokld Sijlver Dazys G9ld S9lver Dqys G9old S9ilver Dqays Go9ld Si9lver Daqys
G0ld Sllver Dsys G0old Slilver Go0ld Sillver Dasys Glld Solver Dwys Glold Soilver Dways Golld Siolver Dawys
Gild Sklver Dxys Giold Skilver Goild Siklver Daxys S8lver Dayys God S8ilver Das Godl Si8lver Dasy
Gokd Sulver Dags Suilver Dagys Golkd Siulver Daygs Good Dahs Siver Dahys Golod Sivler Dayhs
Gopd Sikver Da6s Gopld Da6ys Golpd Silkver Day6s Goldd Siover Daus Gol Dauys Gold Silover Dayus
Golx Sipver Da7s Golxd Siplver Da7ys

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