Celine Dion
Sainte Nuit

[Holy Night]

O nuit de paix! Sainte nuit!
Dans le ciel l'astre luit
Dans les champs, tout repose en paix
Mais soudain dans l'air pur et frais
Le brillant choeur des anges
Aux bergers apparait

[Oh night of peace! Holy Night!
In the sky the moon glows
In the fields, everything rests in peace
But suddenly in the pure and fresh air
The brilliant chorus of angels
Appears to shepherd]

O nuit d'espoir! Sainte Nuit!
L'esperance a relui
Le Sauveur de la terre est ne
C'est a nous que Dieu l'a donne
Celebrons ses louanges
Gloire au Verbe incarne

[Oh night of hope! Holy night!
The hope has shinned
The Savior of the earth was born
It's to us that God had given him
Let's celebrate his praises
Glory to the Word has made flesh]

O nuit de paix! Sainte Nuit!
Dans le ciel l'astre luit
Dans les champs, tout repose en paix
Mais soudain dans l'air pur et frais
Le brillant choeur des anges
Aux bergers apparait

[Oh night of peace! Holy Night!
In the sky the moon glows
In the fields, everything rests in peace
But suddenly in the pure and fresh air
The brilliant chorus of angels
Appears to shepherd]

Mirror lyrics:

Appears to shepherd]
The brilliant chorus of angels
But suddenly in the pure and fresh air
In the fields, everything rests in peace
In the sky the moon glows
[Oh night of peace! Holy Night!

Aux bergers apparait
Le brillant choeur des anges
Mais soudain dans l'air pur et frais
Dans les champs, tout repose en paix
Dans le ciel l'astre luit
O nuit de paix! Sainte Nuit!

Glory to the Word has made flesh]
Let's celebrate his praises
It's to us that God had given him
The Savior of the earth was born
The hope has shinned
[Oh night of hope! Holy night!

Gloire au Verbe incarne
Celebrons ses louanges
C'est a nous que Dieu l'a donne
Le Sauveur de la terre est ne
L'esperance a relui
O nuit d'espoir! Sainte Nuit!

Appears to shepherd]
The brilliant chorus of angels
But suddenly in the pure and fresh air
In the fields, everything rests in peace
In the sky the moon glows
[Oh night of peace! Holy Night!

Aux bergers apparait
Le brillant choeur des anges
Mais soudain dans l'air pur et frais
Dans les champs, tout repose en paix
Dans le ciel l'astre luit
O nuit de paix! Sainte nuit!

[Holy Night]

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Ssinte N8it Ssainte N8uit Sasinte Nu8it Swinte Njit Sawinte Nujit Sxinte Nyit Nyuit Saxinte Nuyit Saiinte Sante Nut
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