Celine Dion
Only One Road

I'm looking back through the years
Down this highway
Memories, they all lead up to this one day
And many dreams lost along the way
Haunt me still
I guess they always will

When love was too much to bear
I just left it there
But here I stand face to face
With this heart of mine

Livin' without you I only fall behind
We had a love most people never find
All this time I never realized
And the courage I finally found
Has made me turn around

There is only one road I'm walkin'
Only one lifetime one heart to guide me
Only one road I'm walkin'
But I'm gonna run back, I'm gonna run back
'Cause I need you right here
Beside me

I can still hear the song of your laughter
I can still taste the sorrow of your tears
We said goodbye but our hearts did not hear
Now my love there's nothing left to fear
With all my heart put me through
It leads me back to you



But I'm gonna run back, I'm gonna run back
'Cause I need you right here
Beside me

Mirror lyrics:

Beside me
'Cause I need you right here
But I'm gonna run back, I'm gonna run back



It leads me back to you
With all my heart put me through
Now my love there's nothing left to fear
We said goodbye but our hearts did not hear
I can still taste the sorrow of your tears
I can still hear the song of your laughter

Beside me
'Cause I need you right here
But I'm gonna run back, I'm gonna run back
Only one road I'm walkin'
Only one lifetime one heart to guide me
There is only one road I'm walkin'

Has made me turn around
And the courage I finally found
All this time I never realized
We had a love most people never find
Livin' without you I only fall behind

With this heart of mine
But here I stand face to face
I just left it there
When love was too much to bear

I guess they always will
Haunt me still
And many dreams lost along the way
Memories, they all lead up to this one day
Down this highway
I'm looking back through the years

Relevant Tags:
OOnly OOne RRoad nly ne oad nOly nOe oRad knly kne doad kOnly kOne dRoad Oknly Okne Rdoad 9nly 9ne 4oad 9Only 9One 4Road O9nly O9ne R4oad
0nly 0ne goad 0Only 0One gRoad O0nly O0ne Rgoad lnly lne toad lOnly lOne tRoad Olnly Olne Rtoad inly ine 5oad iOnly iOne 5Road Oinly Oine R5oad
Onnly Onne foad Oly Oe fRoad Olny Oen Rfoad Omly Ome eoad Omnly Omne eRoad Onmly Onme Reoad Ohly Ohe Rooad Ohnly Ohne Rad Onhly Onhe Raod
Ojly Oje Rkad Ojnly Ojne Rkoad Onjly Onje Rokad Obly Obe R9ad Obnly Obne R9oad Onbly Onbe Ro9ad Onlly Onee R0ad Ony On R0oad Onyl One Ro0ad
Onky Ons Rlad Onkly Onse Rload Onlky Ones Rolad Onoy On3 Riad

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