Brand New Sin
Once In A Lifetime

Emptiness fills up this space
Memories I can't erase
Things you said and done
Consume my soul

Cleansed my soul of all these sins
Embraced by loneliness
Mother always said it would be this way

Remember the time
You walked away
I knew this was
Was my fate

Once In a lifetime

Watched it all just slip away
Take this to an early grave
Darkness falls it lights my way

Mirror lyrics:

Darkness falls it lights my way
Take this to an early grave
Watched it all just slip away

Once In a lifetime

Was my fate
I knew this was
You walked away
Remember the time

Mother always said it would be this way
Embraced by loneliness
Cleansed my soul of all these sins

Consume my soul
Things you said and done
Memories I can't erase
Emptiness fills up this space

Relevant Tags:
OOnce IIn AA LLifetime nce n ifetime nOce nI A iLfetime knce jn z kifetime kOnce jIn zA kLifetime Oknce Ijn Az Lkifetime
9nce 9n q oifetime 9Once 9In qA oLifetime O9nce I9n Aq Loifetime 0nce ln s pifetime 0Once lIn sA pLifetime O0nce Iln As Lpifetime
lnce on w Liifetime lOnce oIn wA Lfetime Olnce Ion Aw Lfietime ince kn x Ljfetime iOnce kIn xA Ljifetime Oince Ikn Ax Lijfetime
Onnce 8n L9fetime Oce 8In L9ifetime Ocne I8n Li9fetime Omce un Llfetime Omnce uIn Llifetime Onmce Iun Lilfetime
Ohce Inn Lofetime Ohnce I Onhce In Liofetime Ojce Im Lkfetime Ojnce Imn Onjce Inm Likfetime
Obce Ih L8fetime Obnce Ihn L8ifetime Onbce Inh Li8fetime Oncce Ij Lufetime One Luifetime Onec Inj Liufetime
Onfe Ib Liffetime Onfce Ibn Lietime Oncfe Inb Lieftime Onxe Licetime Onxce Licfetime Oncxe Lifcetime
Onve Liretime Onvce Lirfetime Oncve Lifretime Onde Ligetime Ondce Ligfetime Oncde Lifgetime
Oncee Litetime Onc Litfetime Once Liftetime Oncs Livetime Oncse Livfetime Onces Lifvetime
Onc3 Lidetime Onc3e Lidfetime Once3 Lifdetime Oncf Lifeetime Liftime Oncef Lifteime
Oncr Lifstime Oncre Lifsetime Oncer Lifestime Onc4 Lif3time Onc4e Lif3etime Once4 Life3time
Oncd Lifftime Onced Lifeftime Oncw Lifrtime Oncwe Oncew Lifertime Lif4time
Lif4etime Life4time Lifdtime Lifedtime

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