Brainstorm (german)
Sunrise (deep In Hell)

I saw the sunrise deep in hell
I saw heaven in the cell
I saw the touch, i saw the smell, well, well

I saw the neverending sea
I saw the mountains of liberty
I didn't see you and i did not see me

But i'm still looking for someone
Someone that's larger than life
Something that's sharp
Sharp as the knife

I saw the sunrise deep in hell
And it grows and it grows
First signals of love
I say well, i say well
I saw the sunrise deep in hell

I saw the wild, wild beasts
I saw them run away or run at least
I saw the lovers and i saw the priest

But i'm still looking for someone
Someone that's larger than life
Something that's sharp
Sharp as the knife

I saw the sunrise deep in hell
And it grows and it grows
First signals of love
I say well, i say well
I saw the sunrise deep in hell

I saw the sunrise deep in hell
And it shines and it shines
First signals of love
I say well, i say well
I saw the sunrise deep in hell

I saw the sunrise deep in hell
And it grows and it grows
First signals of love
I say well, i say well, i say well
I saw the sunrise

Mirror lyrics:

I saw the sunrise
I say well, i say well, i say well
First signals of love
And it grows and it grows
I saw the sunrise deep in hell

I saw the sunrise deep in hell
I say well, i say well
First signals of love
And it shines and it shines
I saw the sunrise deep in hell

I saw the sunrise deep in hell
I say well, i say well
First signals of love
And it grows and it grows
I saw the sunrise deep in hell

Sharp as the knife
Something that's sharp
Someone that's larger than life
But i'm still looking for someone

I saw the lovers and i saw the priest
I saw them run away or run at least
I saw the wild, wild beasts

I saw the sunrise deep in hell
I say well, i say well
First signals of love
And it grows and it grows
I saw the sunrise deep in hell

Sharp as the knife
Something that's sharp
Someone that's larger than life
But i'm still looking for someone

I didn't see you and i did not see me
I saw the mountains of liberty
I saw the neverending sea

I saw the touch, i saw the smell, well, well
I saw heaven in the cell
I saw the sunrise deep in hell

Relevant Tags:
SSunrise ((deep IIn HHell) unrise deep n ell) uSnrise d(eep nI eHll) zunrise (ddeep jn jell) zSunrise (eep jIn jHell) Szunrise (edep Ijn Hjell)
wunrise (xeep 9n uell) wSunrise (xdeep 9In uHell) Swunrise (dxeep I9n Huell) dunrise (eeep ln nell) dSunrise (edeep lIn nHell) Sdunrise (deeep Iln Hnell)
eunrise (feep on bell) eSunrise (fdeep oIn bHell) Seunrise (dfeep Ion Hbell) xunrise (reep kn gell) xSunrise (rdeep kIn gHell) Sxunrise (dreep Ikn Hgell)
aunrise (ceep 8n yell) aSunrise (cdeep 8In yHell) Saunrise (dceep I8n Hyell) Suunrise (seep un Heell) Snrise (sdeep uIn Hll) Snurise (dseep Iun Hlel)
Shnrise Inn Hsll) Shunrise (dep I Hsell) Suhnrise (deep In Hesll) S7nrise (dsep Im H3ll) S7unrise Imn H3ell) Su7nrise (desep Inm He3ll)
Sknrise (d3ep Ih Hfll) Skunrise (d3eep Ihn Hfell) Suknrise (de3ep Inh Hefll) Sinrise (dfep Ij Hrll) Siunrise Hrell) Suinrise (defep Inj Herll)
S8nrise (drep Ib H4ll) S8unrise Ibn H4ell) Su8nrise (derep Inb He4ll) Sjnrise (d4ep Hdll) Sjunrise (d4eep Hdell) Sujnrise (de4ep Hedll)
Synrise (ddep Hwll) Syunrise Hwell) Suynrise (dedep Hewll) Sunnrise (dwep Helll) Surise (dweep Hel) Surnise (dewep Hell)
Sumrise Hekl) Sumnrise Hekll) Sunmrise (depe Helkl) Suhrise (desp Heol) Heoll) Sunhrise (deesp Helol)
Sujrise (de3p Hepl) Hepll) Sunjrise (dee3p Helpl) Subrise (defp Subnrise Sunbrise (deefp Hel)l
Sunrrise (derp Helk) Sunise Sunirse (deerp Hellk) Sundise (de4p Helo) Sundrise Sunrdise (dee4p Hello)
Sun4ise (dedp Help) Sun4rise Sunr4ise (deedp Hellp) Sungise (dewp Hell)) Sungrise Hell Sunrgise (deewp
Suntise (deepp Suntrise (dee

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