Brainstorm (german)
Highs Without Lows

[The experience of life shows different ways... sometimes up… sometimes down]

When you told me
That I've been here before
Can't remember
Can't say much more

Can't resist the call
And hide my reality
Our different thoughts
My blurred imagery

Don't know why I
And what I'm waiting for
I should believe and
Not ignore

A perfect foil to
Try and understand
Not to give up
Not a helpless end

As long as I'm comin' through
You leave me confused
I've been hurt this way before
You can't bring me down no more

When everything's out of my mind
Out of what was left behind
I would have liked to say I know
Cause no one has the highs without the lows

Now I'm leaving
And passing out the blame
Being down
It's time to be the same

The cutting silence
That's everything I hear
All alone
But my pain won't disappear

And my trust in
All the words to say
Will never make a
Difference anyway

And the time has
Now come to do me wrong
May someone else ask
You what you've done

Here I am to save my soul
Not to be just left behind
Deranged not lose control
It will ease my mind

When everything's out of my mind
Out of what was left behind
I would have liked to say I know
Cause no one has the highs without the lows

When everything's out of my mind
Out of what was left behind
I would have liked to say I know
Cause no one has the highs without the lows

When everything's out of my mind
Out of what was left behind
I would have liked to say I know
Cause no one has the highs without the lows

Mirror lyrics:

Cause no one has the highs without the lows
I would have liked to say I know
Out of what was left behind
When everything's out of my mind

Cause no one has the highs without the lows
I would have liked to say I know
Out of what was left behind
When everything's out of my mind

Cause no one has the highs without the lows
I would have liked to say I know
Out of what was left behind
When everything's out of my mind

It will ease my mind
Deranged not lose control
Not to be just left behind
Here I am to save my soul

You what you've done
May someone else ask
Now come to do me wrong
And the time has

Difference anyway
Will never make a
All the words to say
And my trust in

But my pain won't disappear
All alone
That's everything I hear
The cutting silence

It's time to be the same
Being down
And passing out the blame
Now I'm leaving

Cause no one has the highs without the lows
I would have liked to say I know
Out of what was left behind
When everything's out of my mind

You can't bring me down no more
I've been hurt this way before
You leave me confused
As long as I'm comin' through

Not a helpless end
Not to give up
Try and understand
A perfect foil to

Not ignore
I should believe and
And what I'm waiting for
Don't know why I

My blurred imagery
Our different thoughts
And hide my reality
Can't resist the call

Can't say much more
Can't remember
That I've been here before
When you told me

[The experience of life shows different ways... sometimes up… sometimes down]

Relevant Tags:
HHighs WWithout LLows ighs ithout ows iHghs iWthout oLws jighs aithout kows jHighs aWithout kLows Hjighs Waithout Lkows
uighs 3ithout oows uHighs 3Without oLows Huighs W3ithout Loows nighs dithout pows nHighs dWithout pLows Hnighs Wdithout Lpows
bighs eithout bHighs eWithout Lws Hbighs Weithout Lwos gighs sithout Lkws gHighs sWithout Hgighs Wsithout Lokws
yighs 2ithout L9ws yHighs 2Without L9ows Hyighs W2ithout Lo9ws Hiighs qithout L0ws Hghs qWithout L0ows Hgihs Wqithout Lo0ws
Hjghs Wiithout Llws Wthout Llows Hijghs Wtihout Lolws H9ghs Wjthout Liws H9ighs Wjithout Liows Hi9ghs Wijthout Loiws
Hlghs W9thout Lowws Hlighs W9ithout Los Hilghs Wi9thout Losw Hoghs Wlthout Loas Hoighs Wlithout Loaws Hioghs Wilthout Lowas
Hkghs Wothout Lo3s Hkighs Woithout Lo3ws Hikghs Wiothout Low3s H8ghs Wkthout Lods H8ighs Wkithout Lodws Hi8ghs Wikthout Lowds
Hughs W8thout Loes W8ithout Loews Hiughs Wi8thout Lowes Higghs Wuthout Loss Hihs Wuithout Losws Hihgs Wiuthout Lowss
Hihhs Witthout Lo2s Hihghs Wihout Lo2ws Highhs Wihtout Low2s Hiyhs Wifhout Loqs Hiyghs Wifthout Loqws Higyhs Witfhout Lowqs
Hibhs Wi5hout Hibghs Wi5thout Low Higbhs Wit5hout Lows Hivhs Wihhout Lowz Hivghs Wihthout Lowzs Higvhs Withhout Lowsz
Hifhs Wiyhout Loww Hifghs Wiythout Higfhs Wityhout Lowsw Hiths Wi6hout Lowd Hitghs Wi6thout Higths Wit6hout Lowsd
Wighout Lowe Higs Wigthout Higsh Witghout Lowse Higjs Wirhout Lowx Higjhs Wirthout Lowxs Highjs Witrhout Lowsx
Higus Lowa Higuhs Witout Highus Witohut Lowsa Higns Witjout

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