Brainstorm (german)
Nails In My Hands


You are a liar, you've let me down again
I don't believe you anymore
Your friendship was a lie, I've never felt so low

Nails in my hands

You have betrayed me, you've crucified my soul
I'll never trust you anymore
I know what Jesus felt, seems like I feel the same

Nails in my hands

Nails in my hands

Nails in my hands

Nails in my hands

Nails in my hands
Nails in my hands
Nails in my hands
Nails in my hands

Mirror lyrics:

Nails in my hands
Nails in my hands
Nails in my hands
Nails in my hands

Nails in my hands

Nails in my hands

Nails in my hands

Nails in my hands

I know what Jesus felt, seems like I feel the same
I'll never trust you anymore
You have betrayed me, you've crucified my soul

Nails in my hands

Your friendship was a lie, I've never felt so low
I don't believe you anymore
You are a liar, you've let me down again


Relevant Tags:
NNails IIn MMy HHands ails n y ands aNils nI yM aHnds mails jn jy jands mNails jIn jMy jHands Nmails Ijn Mjy Hjands
hails 9n ky uands hNails 9In kMy uHands Nhails I9n Mky Huands jails ln ny nands jNails lIn nMy nHands Njails Iln Mny Hnands
bails on Myy bands bNails oIn M bHands Nbails Ion My Hbands Naails kn Mg gands Nils kIn Mgy gHands Nials Ikn Myg Hgands
Nzils 8n Mh yands Nzails 8In Mhy yHands Nazils I8n Myh Hyands Nqils un M6 Haands Nqails uIn M6y Hnds Naqils Iun My6 Hnads
Nsils Inn Mu Hznds Nsails I Muy Hzands Nasils In Myu Haznds Nwils Im M7 Hqnds Nwails Imn M7y Hqands Nawils Inm My7 Haqnds
Nxils Ih Mj Hsnds Nxails Ihn Hsands Naxils Inh Myj Hasnds Naiils Ij Mt Hwnds Nals Mty Hwands Nalis Inj Myt Hawnds
Najls Ib Hxnds Najils Ibn Hxands Naijls Inb Haxnds Na9ls Hannds Na9ils Hads Nai9ls Hadns
Nalls Hamds Nalils Hamnds Naills Hanmds Naols Hahds

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