Brave Combo
(the) Eyes Of Santa Lucia

I can remember them
Blue as the ocean
Whenever I drew nigh
Blue as a stormy sky
Ever so sisterly
I would advise her
Looking into her eyes
Doomed as a falling star

L & C: My dear Lucia
Why can't you see me?
L: Santa Lucia, is what they'll call thee
L & C: Eyes once gazed lovingly
So veiled in purity
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia

All your sisters have wed
Just as expected
As the most beautiful
You've been selected

L & C: That's when our father said
"Lucy must marry"
She said, "I'd rather die"
And then she scared me


L: And like the waters (Carl echoes)
Of pure devotion (Carl echoes)
She'd rather love God(Carl echoes)
With all emotion
Jesus, he is the Lord (Carl echoes)
Why can't you see it?
And so she plucked her eyes
Out in his spirit.


Mirror lyrics:


Out in his spirit.
And so she plucked her eyes
Why can't you see it?
Jesus, he is the Lord (Carl echoes)
With all emotion
She'd rather love God(Carl echoes)
Of pure devotion (Carl echoes)
L: And like the waters (Carl echoes)


And then she scared me
She said, "I'd rather die"
"Lucy must marry"
L & C: That's when our father said

You've been selected
As the most beautiful
Just as expected
All your sisters have wed

Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia
So veiled in purity
L & C: Eyes once gazed lovingly
L: Santa Lucia, is what they'll call thee
Why can't you see me?
L & C: My dear Lucia

Doomed as a falling star
Looking into her eyes
I would advise her
Ever so sisterly
Blue as a stormy sky
Whenever I drew nigh
Blue as the ocean
I can remember them

Relevant Tags:
((the) EEyes OOf SSanta LLucia the) yes f anta ucia t(he) yEes fO aSnta uLcia (tthe) syes kf zanta kucia (he) sEyes kOf zSanta kLucia
(hte) Esyes Okf Szanta Lkucia (fhe) 3yes 9f wanta oucia (fthe) 3Eyes 9Of wSanta oLucia (tfhe) E3yes O9f Swanta Loucia (5he) fyes 0f danta pucia
(5the) fEyes 0Of dSanta pLucia (t5he) Efyes O0f Sdanta Lpucia (hhe) ryes lf eanta Luucia (hthe) rEyes lOf eSanta Lcia (thhe) Eryes Olf Seanta Lcuia
(yhe) 4yes if xanta Lhcia (ythe) 4Eyes iOf xSanta Lhucia (tyhe) E4yes Oif Sxanta Luhcia (6he) dyes Off aanta L7cia (6the) dEyes O aSanta L7ucia
(t6he) Edyes Of Saanta Lu7cia (ghe) wyes Oc Lkcia (gthe) wEyes Ocf Snta (tghe) Ewyes Ofc Snata Lukcia (rhe) Eyyes Or Sznta Licia
(rthe) Ees Orf Liucia (trhe) Eeys Ofr Saznta Luicia Eges Og Sqnta L8cia (te) Egyes Ogf Sqanta L8ucia (teh) Eyges Ofg Saqnta Lu8cia
(tje) Ehes Ot Ssnta Ljcia (tjhe) Ehyes Otf Ssanta Ljucia (thje) Eyhes Oft Sasnta Lujcia (tue) E6es Ov Swnta Lycia (tuhe) E6yes Ovf Lyucia
(thue) Ey6es Ofv Sawnta Luycia (tne) Eues Od Sxnta Luccia (tnhe) Euyes Odf Luia (thne) Eyues Ofd Saxnta Luica (tbe) E7es Sannta Lufia
(tbhe) E7yes Sata Lufcia (thbe) Ey7es Satna Lucfia (tge) Ejes Samta Luxia Ejyes Samnta Luxcia (thge) Eyjes Sanmta Lucxia
(tye) Etes Sahta Luvia

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