Porcelain Doll

Verse 1:
Im staring at danger
Should I pull the trigger
Im not prepeared to take the fall
He built like a runaway
He say that he love me
But I cant seem to fall back

Coz of all these bags im carrying, and carry on
It feels like
Some type of weight
So i feel
But it aint right, right right right right
Better staighten up and fly right
Coz he aint gon take it for too long
Im dropping my carry on
Checking it in

Im over my duffle bag
Looking like a porcelain doll
No expression at all
What a shame
So worry
Baby be my new leaf to turn
Im trying to fall hard

Verse 2:
Im staring at love
Its staring me back
Today I had the half way smile
You got me to walk
But I aint bout to run, nah
Cant get my mind right



Mirror lyrics:



Cant get my mind right
But I aint bout to run, nah
You got me to walk
Today I had the half way smile
Its staring me back
Im staring at love
Verse 2:

Im trying to fall hard
Baby be my new leaf to turn
So worry
What a shame
No expression at all
Looking like a porcelain doll
Im over my duffle bag

Checking it in
Im dropping my carry on
Coz he aint gon take it for too long
Better staighten up and fly right
But it aint right, right right right right
So i feel
Some type of weight
It feels like
Coz of all these bags im carrying, and carry on

But I cant seem to fall back
He say that he love me
He built like a runaway
Im not prepeared to take the fall
Should I pull the trigger
Im staring at danger
Verse 1:

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PPorcelain DDoll orcelain oll oPrcelain oDll 0orcelain xoll 0Porcelain xDoll P0orcelain Dxoll lorcelain eoll lPorcelain eDoll
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