Chasing Corona
Light Me Up (you Can't Run)

[Verse 1]
He said hello
And asked her name

She said hey
Are you thinking
Of starting this game

She's playing it cool
She hopes he's just
Another fool

So light me up
You can't run

[Chorus 1]
Lies from the start
He'll never catch on
She's playing her part
But still life goes on

[Verse 2]
She kept going
He's still falling

She lit him up
Fell into her trap
And now its sprung

He's in deep
Doesn't know
That he's done

So light me up
You can't run

[Chorus 2]
Lies from the start
He'll never catch on
She's playing her part
She got what she wanted

Now he's crushed
She think she's won
But he's just begun
He's just begun
But life goes on

Life goes on

[Repeat chorus 2x]

Life goes on
Life goes on

Mirror lyrics:

Life goes on
Life goes on

[Repeat chorus 2x]

Life goes on

But life goes on
He's just begun
But he's just begun
She think she's won
Now he's crushed

She got what she wanted
She's playing her part
He'll never catch on
Lies from the start
[Chorus 2]

You can't run
So light me up

That he's done
Doesn't know
He's in deep

And now its sprung
Fell into her trap
She lit him up

He's still falling
She kept going
[Verse 2]

But still life goes on
She's playing her part
He'll never catch on
Lies from the start
[Chorus 1]

You can't run
So light me up

Another fool
She hopes he's just
She's playing it cool

Of starting this game
Are you thinking
She said hey

And asked her name
He said hello
[Verse 1]

Relevant Tags:
LLight MMe UUp ((you CCan't RRun) ight e p you an't un) iLght eM pU y(ou aCn't uRn) kight je hp (yyou fan't dun) kLight jMe hUp (ou fCan't dRun)
Lkight Mje Uhp (oyu Cfan't Rdun) oight ke 7p (gou xan't 4un) oLight kMe 7Up (gyou xCan't 4Run) Loight Mke U7p (ygou Cxan't R4un) pight ne kp (hou van't gun)
pLight nMe kUp (hyou vCan't gRun) Lpight Mne Ukp (yhou Cvan't Rgun) Liight Mee ip (6ou dan't tun) Lght M iUp (6you dCan't tRun) Lgiht Me Uip (y6ou Cdan't Rtun)
Ljght Ms 8p (uou Caan't 5un) Ljight Mse 8Up (uyou Cn't 5Run) Lijght Mes U8p (yuou Cna't R5un) L9ght M3 jp (7ou Czn't fun) L9ight M3e jUp (7you Czan't fRun)
Li9ght Me3 Ujp (y7ou Cazn't Rfun) Llght Mf yp (jou Cqn't eun) Llight Mfe yUp (jyou Cqan't eRun) Lilght Mef Uyp (yjou Caqn't Reun) Loght Mr Upp (tou Csn't Ruun)
Mre U (tyou Csan't Rn) Lioght Mer Up (ytou Casn't Rnu) Lkght M4 U0 (yoou Cwn't Rhn) M4e U0p (yu Cwan't Rhun) Likght Me4 Up0 (yuo Cawn't Ruhn)
L8ght Md Ul (yku Cxn't R7n) L8ight Mde Ulp (ykou R7un) Li8ght Med Upl (yoku Caxn't Ru7n) Lught Mw Uo (y9u Cann't Rkn) Luight Mwe Uop (y9ou Ca't Rkun)
Liught Mew Upo (yo9u Ca'nt Rukn) Ligght (y0u Cam't Rin) Liht (y0ou Camn't Riun) Lihgt (yo0u Canm't Ruin) Lihht (ylu Cah't R8n)
Lihght (ylou Cahn't R8un) Lighht (yolu Canh't Ru8n) Liyht (yiu Caj't Rjn) Liyght (yiou Cajn't Rjun) Ligyht (yoiu Canj't Rujn)
Libht (youu Cab't Ryn) Libght (yo Cabn't Ryun)

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