Chase Coy
Who's To Say

You were so bitter for so very long
I was young and refused to be wrong.
And in the end we couldn't save what we both helped to make
And maybe I've made some mistakes.
Maybe I've witnessed the way a heart breaks,
and maybe i should've done things differently but i
didn't and we parted ways.
Who's to say things aren't better this way?
I swear that I'm sorry that I couldn't be the hero that you wanted from me.

And in the end we couldn't fix what we both helped
to break. And maybe I've made some mistakes.
And maybe I've witnessed the way a heart breaks.
And maybe i should've done things differently but i
didn't and we parted ways
who's to say things aren't better this way?

Mirror lyrics:

who's to say things aren't better this way?
didn't and we parted ways
And maybe i should've done things differently but i
And maybe I've witnessed the way a heart breaks.
to break. And maybe I've made some mistakes.
And in the end we couldn't fix what we both helped

I swear that I'm sorry that I couldn't be the hero that you wanted from me.
Who's to say things aren't better this way?
didn't and we parted ways.
and maybe i should've done things differently but i
Maybe I've witnessed the way a heart breaks,
And maybe I've made some mistakes.
And in the end we couldn't save what we both helped to make
I was young and refused to be wrong.
You were so bitter for so very long

Relevant Tags:
WWho's TTo SSay ho's o ay hWo's oT aSy aho's fo zay aWho's fTo zSay Waho's Tfo Szay 3ho's 5o way 3Who's 5To wSay W3ho's T5o Sway
dho's ho day dWho's hTo dSay Wdho's Tho Sday eho's yo eay eWho's yTo eSay Weho's Tyo Seay sho's 6o xay sWho's 6To xSay Wsho's T6o Sxay
2ho's go aay 2Who's gTo aSay W2ho's Tgo Saay qho's ro qWho's rTo Sy Wqho's Tro Sya Whho's Too Szy Wo's T Woh's To Sazy
Wjo's Tk Sqy Wjho's Tko Sqay Whjo's Tok Saqy Wuo's T9 Ssy Wuho's T9o Ssay Whuo's To9 Sasy Wno's T0 Swy Wnho's T0o Whno's To0 Sawy
Wbo's Tl Sxy Wbho's Tlo Whbo's Tol Saxy Wgo's Ti Sayy Wgho's Tio Sa Whgo's Toi Say Wyo's Sag Wyho's Sagy

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