Cheech And Chong

Hello, is anybody there man?
Hey welcome to McDoobies man can I take your order?
Yeah, I'd like a Mc really Happy meal man
Oh no problem man, you wanna get fried with that man?
Yeah I sure hope so man
Hey is it ok if i fool around in the McDoobie Land room?
Oh sure just don't knock over the bong this time ok
hey is it too late to add on a order of hash brownies man
Oh no man, you always get it your way at this place man
Do I?
Yeah hey hit it gang
Grab a bag full of tops(oh wow man)
Just watch out for the cops(far-out)
Theres no stems and no seeds
drive around if you please(hey man you guys make a bacon double wide burger?)
You deserve a spliff today
Take one toke and your blown away at McDoobies(McDoobies)
At McDoobies

Mirror lyrics:

At McDoobies
Take one toke and your blown away at McDoobies(McDoobies)
You deserve a spliff today
drive around if you please(hey man you guys make a bacon double wide burger?)
Theres no stems and no seeds
Just watch out for the cops(far-out)
Grab a bag full of tops(oh wow man)
Yeah hey hit it gang
Do I?
Oh no man, you always get it your way at this place man
hey is it too late to add on a order of hash brownies man
Oh sure just don't knock over the bong this time ok
Hey is it ok if i fool around in the McDoobie Land room?
Yeah I sure hope so man
Oh no problem man, you wanna get fried with that man?
Yeah, I'd like a Mc really Happy meal man
Hey welcome to McDoobies man can I take your order?
Hello, is anybody there man?

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Mcdeoobies Mcfoobies Mcdfoobies Mcroobies Mcrdoobies Mcdroobies Mccoobies Mcdcoobies Mcsoobies Mcsdoobies Mcdsoobies
Mcdooobies Mcdobies Mcdoobies Mcdkobies Mcdkoobies Mcdokobies Mcd9obies Mcd9oobies Mcdo9obies Mcd0obies Mcd0oobies
Mcdo0obies Mcdlobies Mcdloobies Mcdolobies Mcdiobies Mcdioobies Mcdoiobies Mcdoboies Mcdokbies Mcdookbies Mcdo9bies
Mcdoo9bies Mcdo0bies

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