Geniouses And Dorks

this is a call out to my past
i was always the smartest one in my class
but you kno i felt so empty inside

this is a story of my sadness
and all of my emptiness
i was a dork and everybody hated me

obviously that wasnt enough
just to get through my life by growing up
i felt so incomplete
obviously that wasnt enough
just to get through my life by growing up
i felt so incomplete

this is a call out to all of those
who never realized life wasnt all books
thats how i felt when i met you

but you still saw me as just a freak
a freaking weirdo and a geek
you couldnt see the truth in me

obviously that wasnt enough
just to get through my life by growing up
i felt so incomplete
obviously that wasnt enough
just to get through my life by growing up
i felt so incomplete

obviously that wasnt enough
just to get through my life by growing up
i felt so incomplete
obviously that wasnt enough
just to get through my life by growing up
i felt so incomplete

Mirror lyrics:

i felt so incomplete
just to get through my life by growing up
obviously that wasnt enough
i felt so incomplete
just to get through my life by growing up
obviously that wasnt enough

i felt so incomplete
just to get through my life by growing up
obviously that wasnt enough
i felt so incomplete
just to get through my life by growing up
obviously that wasnt enough

you couldnt see the truth in me
a freaking weirdo and a geek
but you still saw me as just a freak

thats how i felt when i met you
who never realized life wasnt all books
this is a call out to all of those

i felt so incomplete
just to get through my life by growing up
obviously that wasnt enough
i felt so incomplete
just to get through my life by growing up
obviously that wasnt enough

i was a dork and everybody hated me
and all of my emptiness
this is a story of my sadness

but you kno i felt so empty inside
i was always the smartest one in my class
this is a call out to my past

Relevant Tags:
GGeniouses AAnd DDorks eniouses nd orks eGniouses nAd oDrks heniouses znd xorks hGeniouses zAnd xDorks Gheniouses Aznd Dxorks
yeniouses qnd eorks yGeniouses qAnd eDorks Gyeniouses Aqnd Deorks beniouses snd forks bGeniouses sAnd fDorks Gbeniouses Asnd Dforks
veniouses wnd rorks vGeniouses wAnd rDorks Gveniouses Awnd Drorks feniouses xnd corks fGeniouses xAnd cDorks Gfeniouses Axnd Dcorks
teniouses Annd sorks tGeniouses Ad sDorks Gteniouses Adn Dsorks Geeniouses Amd Doorks Gniouses Amnd Drks Gneiouses Anmd Droks
Gsniouses Ahd Dkrks Gseniouses Ahnd Dkorks Gesniouses Anhd Dokrks G3niouses Ajd D9rks G3eniouses Ajnd D9orks Ge3niouses Anjd Do9rks
Gfniouses Abd D0rks Abnd D0orks Gefniouses Anbd Do0rks Grniouses Andd Dlrks Greniouses An Dlorks Gerniouses And Dolrks
G4niouses Anx Dirks G4eniouses Anxd Diorks Ge4niouses Andx Doirks Gdniouses Ane Dorrks Gdeniouses Aned Doks Gedniouses Ande Dokrs
Gwniouses Anf Dodks Gweniouses Anfd Dodrks Gewniouses Andf Dordks Genniouses Anr Do4ks Geiouses Anrd Do4rks Geinouses Andr Dor4ks
Gemiouses Anc Dogks Gemniouses Ancd Dogrks Genmiouses Andc Dorgks Gehiouses Ans Dotks Gehniouses Ansd Dotrks Genhiouses Ands Dortks
Gejiouses Do5ks Gejniouses Do5rks Genjiouses Dor5ks Gebiouses Dofks Gebniouses Dofrks Genbiouses Dorfks
Geniiouses Doeks Genouses Doerks Genoiuses Doreks Genjouses Dorkks Dors Genijouses Dorsk
Gen9ouses Dorls Gen9iouses Dorlks Geni9ouses Dorkls Genlouses Doros Genliouses Doroks Genilouses Dorkos
Genoouses Dorms Genoiouses Dormks Genioouses Dorkms Genkouses Dorjs Genkiouses Dorjks Genikouses Dorkjs
Gen8ouses Doris Gen8iouses Doriks Geni8ouses Dorkis Genuouses Dorkss Genuiouses Dork Geniuouses Dorks
Dorkz Geniuses Dorkzs Geniuoses Dorksz Genikuses Dorkw

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