Alphabet Soup

Hurry up let's go
Real soon, real fast
We have to hurry
Let's go right now

Run to the station
Jogg to the train
It's time to leave
This town forever behind

All our memory's gone
Our great big house
The friends we had
Are gone for good

C is for change
Its coming now
We're moving away
What a big change, WOW!

H is for house
Our house we left behind
Our new house we'll have
It'll be a lovely place

E is for excitement
It'll be exciting
To discover the place
Oh, what fun!

Z is for Zoo
The place animals live
I couldn't think of anything else for z,
So zoo it is

Lets go!(train in backround)

(repeat all twice)

Mirror lyrics:

(repeat all twice)

Lets go!(train in backround)

So zoo it is
I couldn't think of anything else for z,
The place animals live
Z is for Zoo

Oh, what fun!
To discover the place
It'll be exciting
E is for excitement

It'll be a lovely place
Our new house we'll have
Our house we left behind
H is for house

What a big change, WOW!
We're moving away
Its coming now
C is for change

Are gone for good
The friends we had
Our great big house
All our memory's gone

This town forever behind
It's time to leave
Jogg to the train
Run to the station

Let's go right now
We have to hurry
Real soon, real fast
Hurry up let's go

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AAlphabet SSoup lphabet oup lAphabet oSup zlphabet zoup zAlphabet zSoup Azlphabet Szoup qlphabet woup qAlphabet wSoup Aqlphabet Swoup
slphabet doup sAlphabet dSoup Aslphabet Sdoup wlphabet eoup wAlphabet eSoup Awlphabet Seoup xlphabet xoup xAlphabet xSoup Axlphabet Sxoup
Allphabet aoup Aphabet aSoup Aplhabet Saoup Akphabet Sooup Aklphabet Sup Alkphabet Suop Aophabet Skup Aolphabet Skoup Alophabet Sokup
Apphabet S9up Aplphabet S9oup Alpphabet So9up S0up Alhabet S0oup Alhpabet So0up Al0habet Slup Al0phabet Sloup Alp0habet Solup
Allhabet Siup Sioup Alplhabet Soiup Alohabet Souup Sop Alpohabet Sopu Alphhabet Sohp Alpabet Sohup Alpahbet Souhp
Alpjabet So7p Alpjhabet So7up Alphjabet Sou7p Alpuabet Sokp Alpuhabet Alphuabet Soukp Alpnabet Soip Alpnhabet Alphnabet Souip
Alpbabet So8p Alpbhabet So8up Alphbabet Sou8p Alpgabet Sojp Alpghabet Sojup Alphgabet Soujp Alpyabet Soyp Alpyhabet Soyup Alphyabet Souyp
Alphaabet Soupp Alphbet Sou Alphbaet Soup Alphzbet Sou0 Alphzabet Sou0p Alphazbet Soup0 Alphqbet Soul

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