Alone In The Dark

Here I am
Alone in the dark
Nobody is here
Nobody, just me
This is the place where I belong
And when I'm alone I feel so strong
My heart is frozen
And that's why this place is chosen

I just can't take it when it's light
‘Cause when it's light I have to fight
Or else my heart will burn
And I don't wanna love again

Here I am
Alone in the dark
I cared about love
But now I don't care anymore
Cause my past is a mess
Now the dark is the best
I never hated before
But now I can't go back

Here I am
Alone in the dark
Nobody thinks of me
And that's why I like it so much
Cause else they hurt me every time
But now the control is all mine
There happened something awful
That's why I became a beast

Mirror lyrics:

That's why I became a beast
There happened something awful
But now the control is all mine
Cause else they hurt me every time
And that's why I like it so much
Nobody thinks of me
Alone in the dark
Here I am

But now I can't go back
I never hated before
Now the dark is the best
Cause my past is a mess
But now I don't care anymore
I cared about love
Alone in the dark
Here I am

And I don't wanna love again
Or else my heart will burn
‘Cause when it's light I have to fight
I just can't take it when it's light

And that's why this place is chosen
My heart is frozen
And when I'm alone I feel so strong
This is the place where I belong
Nobody, just me
Nobody is here
Alone in the dark
Here I am

Relevant Tags:
AAlone IIn TThe DDark lone n he ark lAone nI hTe aDrk zlone jn fhe xark zAlone jIn fThe xDark Azlone Ijn Tfhe Dxark
qlone 9n 5he eark qAlone 9In 5The eDark Aqlone I9n T5he Deark slone ln hhe fark sAlone lIn hThe fDark Aslone Iln Thhe Dfark
wlone on yhe rark wAlone oIn yThe rDark Awlone Ion Tyhe Drark xlone kn 6he cark xAlone kIn 6The cDark Axlone Ikn T6he Dcark
Allone 8n ghe sark Aone 8In gThe sDark Aolne I8n Tghe Dsark Akone un rhe Daark Aklone uIn rThe Drk Alkone Iun Trhe Drak
Aoone Inn Dzrk Aolone I Te Dzark Aloone In Teh Dazrk Apone Im Tje Dqrk Aplone Imn Tjhe Dqark Alpone Inm Thje Daqrk
Ih Tue Dsrk Alne Ihn Tuhe Alnoe Inh Thue Dasrk Alkne Ij Tne Dwrk Tnhe Dwark Alokne Inj Thne Dawrk
Al9ne Ib Tbe Dxrk Al9one Ibn Tbhe Alo9ne Inb Thbe Daxrk Al0ne Tge Darrk Al0one Dak Alo0ne Thge Dakr

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