Roses In The Car

a dozen roses in the car
and i don't know where you are
maybe i don't know what i'm doing
you're moving like a movie
you still move me
among the other ones
and twos and threes and twenty-threes
got to keep my conscience clean
but that "hurricane what's-her-name"
mentality was not for me
and never could be
cause it surely brings bitter things
and misery

and was it clear?

cause i just wrote a letter
a confession down the ladder
that things could be so much better
and through follow the leader
i met her and then another end
and usually a grudge
but i loved so much
the way we touched and psuedo-kissed
oh i already miss you singing like this
over the phone
every now and every then i tend to pretend

and i say
heaven hits me hard
have you ever had a heaven here
heaven hits me hardly
have you ever had a heaven here

im not so alone

Mirror lyrics:

im not so alone

have you ever had a heaven here
heaven hits me hardly
have you ever had a heaven here
heaven hits me hard
and i say

every now and every then i tend to pretend
over the phone
oh i already miss you singing like this
the way we touched and psuedo-kissed
but i loved so much
and usually a grudge
i met her and then another end
and through follow the leader
that things could be so much better
a confession down the ladder
cause i just wrote a letter

and was it clear?

and misery
cause it surely brings bitter things
and never could be
mentality was not for me
but that "hurricane what's-her-name"
got to keep my conscience clean
and twos and threes and twenty-threes
among the other ones
you still move me
you're moving like a movie
maybe i don't know what i'm doing
and i don't know where you are
a dozen roses in the car

Relevant Tags:
RRoses IIn TThe CCar oses n he ar oRses nI hTe aCr doses jn fhe far dRoses jIn fThe fCar Rdoses Ijn Tfhe Cfar 4oses 9n 5he xar
4Roses 9In 5The xCar R4oses I9n T5he Cxar goses ln hhe var gRoses lIn hThe vCar Rgoses Iln Thhe Cvar toses on yhe dar tRoses oIn yThe dCar
Rtoses Ion Tyhe Cdar 5oses kn 6he Caar 5Roses kIn 6The Cr R5oses Ikn T6he Cra foses 8n ghe Czr fRoses 8In gThe Czar Rfoses I8n Tghe Cazr
eoses un rhe Cqr eRoses uIn rThe Cqar Reoses Iun Trhe Caqr Rooses Inn Csr Rses I Te Csar Rsoes In Teh Casr Rkses Im Tje Cwr
Rkoses Imn Tjhe Cwar Rokses Inm Thje Cawr R9ses Ih Tue Cxr R9oses Ihn Tuhe Ro9ses Inh Thue Caxr R0ses Ij Tne Carr R0oses Tnhe Ca
Ro0ses Inj Thne Car Rlses Ib Tbe Cad Rloses Ibn Tbhe Cadr Rolses Inb Thbe Card Rises Tge Ca4 Rioses Ca4r Roises Thge Car4
Rosses Tye Cag Roes Cagr Roess Thye Carg Rozes Thee Cat Rozses Th Catr Roszes The Cart Rowes Ths Ca5
Rowses Thse Ca5r

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