Brad Paisley
If Love Was A Plane

She's ninty-eight pounds, working down at the Dairy Queen
With an Ogalvie home perm and braces
And he's long haired, no job and just nineteen
They got a baby on the way they're off to the races.

In love, look at em' go
Now what in the world can go wrong
Don't tell them the odds, it's best they don't know
If Love was a plane, nobody'd get on.

At the Ivey at lunchtime in Beverly Hills
The paparazzis are gathered outside
'Cause an actor and actress are havin' lunch
And according to extra and entertainment tonight.

They're in love, now look at 'em go
Now what in the world can go wrong
Don't tell them the odds it's best they don't know
If love was a plane nobody'd get on.

Imagine now the pilot's voice on the intercom
Right before we leave the ground
Sayin' folks thanks for flyin' with us
But there's a six in ten chance we're goin' down.

But that's the strangest thing about this emotion
Even knowin' our chances are small
We line up at the gate with our tickets
Thinkin' somehow we're different, I mean after all.

We're in love. look at us go
Now what in the world can go wrong
To hell with the odds we'd rather not know
If love was a plane nobody'd get on.

Yeah, if love was a plane nobody'd get on.

Mirror lyrics:

Yeah, if love was a plane nobody'd get on.

If love was a plane nobody'd get on.
To hell with the odds we'd rather not know
Now what in the world can go wrong
We're in love. look at us go

Thinkin' somehow we're different, I mean after all.
We line up at the gate with our tickets
Even knowin' our chances are small
But that's the strangest thing about this emotion

But there's a six in ten chance we're goin' down.
Sayin' folks thanks for flyin' with us
Right before we leave the ground
Imagine now the pilot's voice on the intercom

If love was a plane nobody'd get on.
Don't tell them the odds it's best they don't know
Now what in the world can go wrong
They're in love, now look at 'em go

And according to extra and entertainment tonight.
'Cause an actor and actress are havin' lunch
The paparazzis are gathered outside
At the Ivey at lunchtime in Beverly Hills

If Love was a plane, nobody'd get on.
Don't tell them the odds, it's best they don't know
Now what in the world can go wrong
In love, look at em' go

They got a baby on the way they're off to the races.
And he's long haired, no job and just nineteen
With an Ogalvie home perm and braces
She's ninty-eight pounds, working down at the Dairy Queen

Relevant Tags:
IIf LLove WWas AA PPlane f ove as lane fI oLve aWs A lPane jf kove aas z 0lane jIf kLove aWas zA 0Plane Ijf Lkove Waas Az P0lane
9f oove 3as q llane 9If oLove 3Was qA lPlane I9f Loove W3as Aq Pllane lf pove das s olane lIf pLove dWas sA oPlane Ilf Lpove Wdas As Polane
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8f L9ve 2as Poane 8If L9ove 2Was I8f Lo9ve W2as Ploane uf L0ve qas Ppane uIf L0ove qWas Pplane Iuf Lo0ve Wqas Plpane
Iff Llve Plaane I Llove Ws Plne If Lolve Wsa Plnae Ic Live Wzs Plzne Icf Liove Wzas Plzane Ifc Loive Wazs Plazne
Ir Lovve Wqs Plqne Irf Loe Plqane Ifr Loev Waqs Plaqne Ig Lobe Wss Plsne Igf Lobve Plsane Ifg Lovbe Wass Plasne
It Loce Wws Plwne Itf Locve Wwas Plwane Ift Lovce Waws Plawne Iv Loge Wxs Plxne

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