Brad Paisley
American Saturday Night

Woahhhhh woahhhhhhh
Shes got Brazilian leather boots on the pedal of her German car
Listen to the Beatles singing back in the USSR
Yeah shes goin around the world tonight
But she ain't leavin here
Shes just going to meet her boyfriend down at the street fair

It's a french kiss, italian ice
Spanish moss in the moonlight
Just another American Saturday night

There's a big toga party tonight down at Delta Chi
They've got Canadian bacon on their pizza pie
They've got a cooler full of cold Coronas and Amstel light
It's like were all livin' in a big ol' cup
Just fire up the blender, mix it all up

It's a French kiss, Italian ice
Margaritas in the moonlight (woahhhh)
Just another American Saturday night

You know everywhere has something they're known for
Although usually it washes up on our shores
My great great great granddaddy stepped off of that ship
I bet he never ever dreamed we'd have all this

You know everywhere has somethin' they're known for
Although usually it washes up on our shores
Little Italy, Chinatown, sittin' there side by side
Live from New York, It's Saturday Night!

It's a French kiss, Italian ice,
Spanish moss in the moonlight
Just another American, just another American,
Its just another American Saturday night

Mirror lyrics:

Its just another American Saturday night
Just another American, just another American,
Spanish moss in the moonlight
It's a French kiss, Italian ice,

Live from New York, It's Saturday Night!
Little Italy, Chinatown, sittin' there side by side
Although usually it washes up on our shores
You know everywhere has somethin' they're known for

I bet he never ever dreamed we'd have all this
My great great great granddaddy stepped off of that ship
Although usually it washes up on our shores
You know everywhere has something they're known for

Just another American Saturday night
Margaritas in the moonlight (woahhhh)
It's a French kiss, Italian ice

Just fire up the blender, mix it all up
It's like were all livin' in a big ol' cup
They've got a cooler full of cold Coronas and Amstel light
They've got Canadian bacon on their pizza pie
There's a big toga party tonight down at Delta Chi

Just another American Saturday night
Spanish moss in the moonlight
It's a french kiss, italian ice

Shes just going to meet her boyfriend down at the street fair
But she ain't leavin here
Yeah shes goin around the world tonight
Listen to the Beatles singing back in the USSR
Shes got Brazilian leather boots on the pedal of her German car
Woahhhhh woahhhhhhh

Relevant Tags:
AAmerican SSaturday NNight merican aturday ight mAerican aSturday iNght zmerican zaturday might zAmerican zSaturday mNight Azmerican Szaturday Nmight
qmerican waturday hight qAmerican wSaturday hNight Aqmerican Swaturday Nhight smerican daturday jight sAmerican dSaturday jNight Asmerican Sdaturday Njight
wmerican eaturday bight wAmerican eSaturday bNight Awmerican Seaturday Nbight xmerican xaturday Niight xAmerican xSaturday Nght Axmerican Sxaturday Ngiht
Ammerican aaturday Njght Aerican aSaturday Aemrican Saaturday Nijght Ajerican N9ght Ajmerican Sturday N9ight Amjerican Staurday Ni9ght
Akerican Szturday Nlght Akmerican Nlight Amkerican Sazturday Nilght Anerican Sqturday Noght Anmerican Sqaturday Noight Amnerican Saqturday Nioght
Ameerican Ssturday Nkght Amrican Ssaturday Nkight Amreican Sasturday Nikght Amsrican Swturday N8ght Amserican N8ight Amesrican Sawturday Ni8ght
Am3rican Sxturday Nught Am3erican Nuight Ame3rican Saxturday Niught Amfrican Satturday Nigght Amferican Saurday Niht Amefrican Sautrday Nihgt
Amrrican Safurday Nihht Amrerican Safturday Nihght Amerrican Satfurday Nighht Am4rican Sa5urday Niyht Am4erican Sa5turday Niyght Ame4rican Sat5urday Nigyht
Amdrican Sahurday Nibht Amderican Sahturday Nibght Amedrican Sathurday Nigbht Amwrican Sayurday Nivht Amwerican Sayturday Nivght Amewrican Satyurday Nigvht
Sa6urday Nifht Ameican Sa6turday Nifght Ameircan Sat6urday Nigfht Amedican Sagurday Nitht Sagturday Nitght Amerdican Satgurday Nigtht
Ame4ican Sarurday Sarturday Nigt Amer4ican Satrurday Nigth Amegican Satuurday Nigjt Amegrican Satrday Nigjht Amergican Satruday Nighjt
Ametican Sathrday Nigut Ametrican Niguht Amertican Satuhrday Nighut Ame5ican Sat7rday Nignt Ame5rican Sat7urday Nignht Amer5ican Satu7rday Nighnt
Amefican Satkrday Nigbt Satkurday Amerfican Satukrday Nighbt Ameeican Satirday Niggt Satiurday Amereican Satuirday Nighgt
Ameriican Sat8rday Nigyt Amercan Sat8urday Amercian Satu8rday Nighyt

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