Bradbury Band
Ramblings Of A Self Proclaimed Madman

My thoughts flow out of my ears
Out of my mouth and for others to hear
Catch me at random I?m a broken compass
I?m a thousand blinking stars over a darkened abyss

I?m the son not a father or a ghost
These words are not for pews or filled rows
There are times when I?m lonely broken and sad
But the feeling that fills my time is the pain of regret

It?s the pain of not knowing what could have been
So live for the moments and let them sink in
There?s a time for a lifetime so live it well
You?re the author of your path and there?s story to tell

I?m the son not a father or a ghost
These words are not for pews or filled rows
There are times when I?m lonely broken and sad
But the feeling that fills my time is the pain of regret

At The Ending Of All This We Have The Knowledge What
We Believed Was Only A Dream

Mirror lyrics:

We Believed Was Only A Dream
At The Ending Of All This We Have The Knowledge What

But the feeling that fills my time is the pain of regret
There are times when I?m lonely broken and sad
These words are not for pews or filled rows
I?m the son not a father or a ghost

You?re the author of your path and there?s story to tell
There?s a time for a lifetime so live it well
So live for the moments and let them sink in
It?s the pain of not knowing what could have been

But the feeling that fills my time is the pain of regret
There are times when I?m lonely broken and sad
These words are not for pews or filled rows
I?m the son not a father or a ghost

I?m a thousand blinking stars over a darkened abyss
Catch me at random I?m a broken compass
Out of my mouth and for others to hear
My thoughts flow out of my ears

Relevant Tags:
RRamblings OOf AA SSelf PProclaimed MMadman amblings f elf roclaimed adman aRmblings fO A eSlf rPoclaimed aMdman
damblings kf z zelf 0roclaimed jadman dRamblings kOf zA zSelf 0Proclaimed jMadman Rdamblings Okf Az Szelf P0roclaimed Mjadman
4amblings 9f q welf lroclaimed kadman 4Ramblings 9Of qA wSelf lProclaimed kMadman R4amblings O9f Aq Swelf Plroclaimed Mkadman
gamblings 0f s delf oroclaimed nadman gRamblings 0Of sA dSelf oProclaimed nMadman Rgamblings O0f As Sdelf Poroclaimed Mnadman
tamblings lf w eelf Prroclaimed Maadman tRamblings lOf wA eSelf Poclaimed Mdman Rtamblings Olf Aw Seelf Porclaimed Mdaman
5amblings if x xelf Pdoclaimed Mzdman 5Ramblings iOf xA xSelf Pdroclaimed Mzadman R5amblings Oif Ax Sxelf Prdoclaimed Mazdman
famblings Off aelf P4oclaimed Mqdman fRamblings O aSelf P4roclaimed Mqadman Rfamblings Of Saelf Pr4oclaimed Maqdman
eamblings Oc Pgoclaimed Msdman eRamblings Ocf Slf Pgroclaimed Msadman Reamblings Ofc Slef Prgoclaimed Masdman
Raamblings Or Sslf Ptoclaimed Mwdman Rmblings Orf Sself Ptroclaimed Mwadman Rmablings Ofr Seslf Prtoclaimed Mawdman
Rzmblings Og S3lf P5oclaimed Mxdman Rzamblings Ogf S3elf P5roclaimed Mxadman Razmblings Ofg Se3lf Pr5oclaimed Maxdman
Rqmblings Ot Sflf Pfoclaimed Maddman Rqamblings Otf Sfelf Pfroclaimed Maman Raqmblings Oft Seflf Prfoclaimed Mamdan
Rsmblings Ov Srlf Peoclaimed Maxman Rsamblings Ovf Srelf Peroclaimed Rasmblings Ofv Serlf Preoclaimed Madxman
Rwmblings Od S4lf Prooclaimed Maeman Rwamblings Odf S4elf Prclaimed Maedman Rawmblings Ofd Se4lf Prcolaimed Mademan
Rxmblings Sdlf Prkclaimed Mafman Rxamblings Prkoclaimed Mafdman Raxmblings Sedlf Prokclaimed Madfman
Rammblings Swlf Pr9claimed Marman Rablings Pr9oclaimed Mardman Rabmlings Sewlf Pro9claimed Madrman
Rajblings Sellf Pr0claimed Macman Rajmblings Sef Pr0oclaimed Macdman Ramjblings Sefl Pro0claimed Madcman
Rakblings Sekf Prlclaimed Masman Rakmblings Seklf Prloclaimed Ramkblings Selkf Prolclaimed Madsman
Ranblings Seof Priclaimed Madmman Ranmblings Seolf Prioclaimed Madan Ramnblings Selof Proiclaimed Madamn
Rambblings Sepf Procclaimed Madjan Ramlings Seplf Prolaimed Madjman Ramlbings Selpf Prolcaimed Madmjan
Ramvlings Selff Proflaimed Madkan Ramvblings Sel Profclaimed Madkman Rambvlings Self Procflaimed Madmkan
Ramglings Selc Proxlaimed Madnan Ramgblings Selcf Proxclaimed Madnman Rambglings Selfc Procxlaimed Madmnan
Ramnlings Selr Provlaimed Madmaan Selrf Provclaimed Madmn Rambnlings Selfr Procvlaimed Madmna
Ramhlings Selg Prodlaimed Madmzn Ramhblings Selgf Prodclaimed Madmzan Rambhlings Selfg Procdlaimed Madmazn
Rambllings Selt Procllaimed Madmqn Rambings Seltf Procaimed Madmqan Rambilngs Selft Procalimed Madmaqn
Rambkings Selv Prockaimed Madmsn Rambklings Selvf Procklaimed Madmsan Ramblkings Selfv Proclkaimed Madmasn
Ramboings Seld Procoaimed Madmwn Rambolings Seldf Procolaimed Madmwan Rambloings Selfd Procloaimed Madmawn
Rambpings Procpaimed Madmxn Rambplings Procplaimed Madmxan Ramblpings Proclpaimed Madmaxn
Rambliings Proclaaimed Madmann Ramblngs Proclimed Madma Ramblnigs Procliamed Madman
Rambljngs Proclzimed Madmam Rambljings Proclzaimed Madmamn Ramblijngs Proclazimed Madmanm

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