Boz Scaggs
Simone [unplugged Version]

Darling, let's stop this pretending
What more is there to say
Here's to your eyes and my final demise
Oh Simone, it's you

I knew from the start that my easily touched heart
Was about to go out for a ride
Conquer the room with a touch of perfume
Oh Simone, it's you

Oh Simone, my heart is breaking
Yes my dear, I think it's going fast
Got to let me know, got to let it show for it to last
Oh Simone, to hold you
Dance you into the night
On into the dawn, on and on and on to make it right

Make it romantic, make it up I don't care
Look up and sigh, and even if it's a lie
Oh Simone, what can I do

What charm could sway me then burn and betray me
But thrill me the way that you do
Second to none, so completely undone
Oh Simone, it's you

Oh Simone, my heart is breaking
Yes my dear, I think it's going fast
Got to let me know, got to let it show for it to last

Oh Simone, to hold you, dance you into the night
On into the dawn, on and on and on to make it right

It's time they told you, it's about time you knew
Straigthen your gown, throw a Manhatten down
Yes Simone, it's true
Do you think you're fooling somebody
Do you think that I can't see
There's no doubt, not a trace
It's all over your face
Oh Simone, it's me

Oh Simone, my heart is breaking
Yes my dear, I think it's going fast
Got to let me know, got to let it show for it to last

Oh Simone, to hold you, dance you in to the night
On to the dawn, on and on and on to make it right

Yes my dear, I think it's going fast

Mirror lyrics:

Yes my dear, I think it's going fast

On to the dawn, on and on and on to make it right
Oh Simone, to hold you, dance you in to the night

Got to let me know, got to let it show for it to last
Yes my dear, I think it's going fast
Oh Simone, my heart is breaking

Oh Simone, it's me
It's all over your face
There's no doubt, not a trace
Do you think that I can't see
Do you think you're fooling somebody
Yes Simone, it's true
Straigthen your gown, throw a Manhatten down
It's time they told you, it's about time you knew

On into the dawn, on and on and on to make it right
Oh Simone, to hold you, dance you into the night

Got to let me know, got to let it show for it to last
Yes my dear, I think it's going fast
Oh Simone, my heart is breaking

Oh Simone, it's you
Second to none, so completely undone
But thrill me the way that you do
What charm could sway me then burn and betray me

Oh Simone, what can I do
Look up and sigh, and even if it's a lie
Make it romantic, make it up I don't care

On into the dawn, on and on and on to make it right
Dance you into the night
Oh Simone, to hold you
Got to let me know, got to let it show for it to last
Yes my dear, I think it's going fast
Oh Simone, my heart is breaking

Oh Simone, it's you
Conquer the room with a touch of perfume
Was about to go out for a ride
I knew from the start that my easily touched heart

Oh Simone, it's you
Here's to your eyes and my final demise
What more is there to say
Darling, let's stop this pretending

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SSimone [[unplugged VVersion] imone unplugged ersion] iSmone u[nplugged eVrsion] zimone [uunplugged bersion] zSimone [nplugged bVersion]
Szimone [nuplugged Vbersion] wimone [hnplugged cersion] wSimone [hunplugged cVersion] Swimone [uhnplugged Vcersion] dimone [7nplugged gersion]
dSimone [7unplugged gVersion] Sdimone [u7nplugged Vgersion] eimone [knplugged fersion] eSimone [kunplugged fVersion] Seimone [uknplugged Vfersion]
ximone [inplugged Veersion] xSimone [iunplugged Vrsion] Sximone [uinplugged Vresion] aimone [8nplugged Vsrsion] aSimone [8unplugged Vsersion]
Saimone [u8nplugged Vesrsion] Siimone [jnplugged V3rsion] Smone [junplugged V3ersion] Smione [ujnplugged Ve3rsion] Sjmone [ynplugged Vfrsion]
Sjimone [yunplugged Sijmone [uynplugged Vefrsion] S9mone [unnplugged Vrrsion] S9imone [uplugged Vrersion] Si9mone [upnlugged Verrsion]
Slmone [umplugged V4rsion] Slimone [umnplugged V4ersion] Silmone [unmplugged Ve4rsion] Somone [uhplugged Vdrsion] Soimone Vdersion]
Siomone [unhplugged Vedrsion] Skmone [ujplugged Vwrsion] Skimone Vwersion] Sikmone [unjplugged Vewrsion] S8mone [ubplugged
S8imone [ubnplugged Vesion] Si8mone [unbplugged Vesrion] Sumone [unpplugged Vedsion] Suimone [unlugged Siumone [unlpugged Verdsion]
Simmone [un0lugged Ve4sion] Sione [un0plugged Siomne [unp0lugged Ver4sion] Sijone [unllugged Vegsion] [unlplugged Vegrsion]
Simjone [unpllugged Vergsion] Sikone [unolugged Vetsion] [unoplugged Vetrsion] Simkone [unpolugged Vertsion] Sinone Ve5sion]
Sinmone [unpugged Ve5rsion] Simnone [unpulgged Ver5sion] Simoone [unpkugged Vefsion] Simne [unpklugged Simnoe [unplkugged Verfsion]
Simkne [unpougged Veesion] Simokne [unplougged Veresion] Sim9ne [unppugged Verssion] Sim9one Verion] Simo9ne [unplpugged Verison]
Sim0ne [unpluugged Verzion] Sim0one [unplgged Verzsion] Simo0ne [unplguged Verszion] Simlne [unplhgged Verwion] Simlone [unplhugged Verwsion]
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