Boz Scaggs
Do Nothing Till You Hear From Me

Someone told someone and someone told you

But they really wouldn't hurt you, not much

But since everyone tells the story

With his own little personal touch

Do nothing till you hear from me

Pay no attention to what's said

Why people tear the seams

Of anyone's dreams is over my head

Do nothing till you hear from me

At least consider our romance

If you should take the words

Of others you've heard, I haven't a chance

True, I've been seen with someone new

But does that mean that I've been untrue?

When we're apart, the words in my heart

Reveal how I feel about you

Some kiss may cloud my memories

And other arms may hold a thrill, yes yes yes

But please do nothing till you hear it from me

And you never will

Some kiss may cloud my memory

And other arms may hold a thrill, hold that thrill

But please do nothing till you hear it from me

And you never will

So please do nothing till you hear it from me

And you never will

Mirror lyrics:

And you never will

So please do nothing till you hear it from me

And you never will

But please do nothing till you hear it from me

And other arms may hold a thrill, hold that thrill

Some kiss may cloud my memory

And you never will

But please do nothing till you hear it from me

And other arms may hold a thrill, yes yes yes

Some kiss may cloud my memories

Reveal how I feel about you

When we're apart, the words in my heart

But does that mean that I've been untrue?

True, I've been seen with someone new

Of others you've heard, I haven't a chance

If you should take the words

At least consider our romance

Do nothing till you hear from me

Of anyone's dreams is over my head

Why people tear the seams

Pay no attention to what's said

Do nothing till you hear from me

With his own little personal touch

But since everyone tells the story

But they really wouldn't hurt you, not much

Someone told someone and someone told you

Relevant Tags:
DDo NNothing TTill YYou HHear FFrom MMe o othing ill ou ear rom e oD oNthing iTll oYu eHar rFom eM xo mothing fill gou jear crom je xDo mNothing fTill gYou jHear cFrom jMe
Dxo Nmothing Tfill Ygou Hjear Fcrom Mje eo hothing 5ill hou uear rrom ke eDo hNothing 5Till hYou uHear rFrom kMe Deo Nhothing T5ill Yhou Huear Frrom Mke fo jothing hill 6ou near grom ne
fDo jNothing hTill 6You nHear gFrom nMe Dfo Njothing Thill Y6ou Hnear Fgrom Mne ro bothing yill uou bear trom Mee rDo bNothing yTill uYou bHear tFrom M Dro Nbothing Tyill Yuou Hbear Ftrom Me
co Noothing 6ill 7ou gear vrom Ms cDo Nthing 6Till 7You gHear vFrom Mse Dco Ntohing T6ill Y7ou Hgear Fvrom Mes so Nkthing gill jou year drom M3 sDo Nkothing gTill jYou yHear dFrom M3e
Dso Nokthing Tgill Yjou Hyear Fdrom Me3 Doo N9thing rill tou Heear Mf D N9othing rTill tYou Har Fom Mfe Do No9thing Trill Ytou Haer Form Mef Dk N0thing Tiill Yoou Hsar Fdom Mr
Dko N0othing Tll Yu Hsear Mre Dok No0thing Tlil Yuo Hesar Frdom Mer D9 Nlthing Tjll Yku H3ar F4om M4 D9o Nlothing Tjill Ykou H3ear F4rom M4e Do9 Nolthing Tijll Yoku He3ar Fr4om Me4
D0 Nithing T9ll Y9u Hfar Fgom Md D0o Niothing T9ill Y9ou Hfear Mde Do0 Noithing Ti9ll Yo9u Hefar Frgom Med Dl Notthing Tlll Y0u Hrar Ftom Mw Dlo Nohing Tlill Y0ou Hrear Mwe
Dol Nohting Tilll Yo0u Herar Frtom Mew Di Nofhing Toll Ylu H4ar F5om Dio Nofthing Toill Ylou H4ear F5rom Doi Notfhing Tioll Yolu He4ar Fr5om No5hing Tkll Yiu Hdar Ffom
No5thing Tkill Yiou Hdear Ffrom Not5hing Tikll Yoiu Hedar Frfom Nohhing T8ll Youu Hwar Feom Nohthing T8ill Yo Hwear Ferom Nothhing Ti8ll You Hewar Freom
Noyhing Tull Yoh Heaar Froom Noything Tuill Yohu Her Frm Notyhing Tiull Youh Hera Frmo No6hing Yo7 Hezr Frkm No6thing Til Yo7u Hezar Frkom
Not6hing Till You7 Heazr Frokm Noghing Tikl Yok Heqr Fr9m Nogthing Heqar Fr9om Notghing Tilkl Youk Heaqr Fro9m Norhing Tiol Yoi Hesr Fr0m
Northing Fr0om Notrhing Tilol Youi Heasr Fro0m Tipl Yo8 Hewr Frlm Noting Tipll Yo8u Frlom Notihng Tilpl You8 Heawr Frolm
Notjing Yoj Hexr Frim Notjhing Yoju Hexar Friom Nothjing Youj Heaxr Froim Notuing Tilk Yoy Hearr Fromm Notuhing Yoyu Hea Fro

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