'til The Sun Goes Down

Some days it hits you like a tons of water
All the sons and daughters
It's a crying shame
Count your blessings as you're going under
How it make you wonder
Will it ever change
Fix a broken coffee cup
The never ending washing out won't wait

Why do we cry when we hear hallelujah
It does something to you
Each and every lines
So we all rise till we all stand together
Each and every one
Somewhere we belong
Till the sun goes down

Everybody needs someone to hold
And cause nobody told them it would be this way
If for a moment we could taste the glory
And forget our worries
Let the evening fade


Bruised by every consequences
So we're all sitting on the fence these days
Fix a broken coffee cup
The never ending washing out won't wait


Mirror lyrics:


The never ending washing out won't wait
Fix a broken coffee cup
So we're all sitting on the fence these days
Bruised by every consequences


Let the evening fade
And forget our worries
If for a moment we could taste the glory
And cause nobody told them it would be this way
Everybody needs someone to hold

Till the sun goes down
Somewhere we belong
Each and every one
So we all rise till we all stand together
Each and every lines
It does something to you
Why do we cry when we hear hallelujah

The never ending washing out won't wait
Fix a broken coffee cup
Will it ever change
How it make you wonder
Count your blessings as you're going under
It's a crying shame
All the sons and daughters
Some days it hits you like a tons of water

Relevant Tags:
''til TThe SSun GGoes DDown til he un oes own t'il hTe uSn oGes oDwn 'ttil fhe zun hoes xown 'il fThe zSun hGoes xDown 'itl Tfhe Szun Ghoes Dxown
'fil 5he wun yoes eown 'ftil 5The wSun yGoes eDown 'tfil T5he Swun Gyoes Deown '5il hhe dun boes fown '5til hThe dSun bGoes fDown 't5il Thhe Sdun Gboes Dfown
'hil yhe eun voes rown 'htil yThe eSun vGoes rDown 'thil Tyhe Seun Gvoes Drown 'yil 6he xun foes cown 'ytil 6The xSun fGoes cDown 'tyil T6he Sxun Gfoes Dcown
'6il ghe aun toes sown '6til gThe aSun tGoes sDown 't6il Tghe Saun Gtoes Dsown 'gil rhe Suun Gooes Doown 'gtil rThe Sn Ges Dwn 'tgil Trhe Snu Geos Dwon
'ril Shn Gkes Dkwn 'rtil Te Shun Gkoes Dkown 'tril Teh Suhn Gokes Dokwn 'tiil Tje S7n G9es D9wn 'tl Tjhe S7un G9oes D9own 'tli Thje Su7n Go9es Do9wn
'tjl Tue Skn G0es D0wn 'tjil Tuhe Skun G0oes D0own 'tijl Thue Sukn Go0es Do0wn 't9l Tne Sin Gles Dlwn 't9il Tnhe Siun Gloes Dlown 'ti9l Thne Suin Goles Dolwn
'tll Tbe S8n Gies Diwn 'tlil Tbhe S8un Gioes Diown 'till Thbe Su8n Goies Doiwn 'tol Tge Sjn Goees Dowwn

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