I'm Learning (part One)

I never meant to hurt you baby
I didn't wanna cause you any pain
But you never knew how I felt now honey
And you know you didn't even know why
So I wanna put my heart in it's place
And I wanna be the person that you fell in love with

I've been told there'll be another
(or so they say)
But I guess never like the other
So I'll shed my tears and I'll face my fears
I've been told there'll be another

A cry for help will sound the same now baby
And I know that people just don't change
But I guess you can't hope
And wish they will yeah
So I wanna put my heart in its place
And I wanna be the person that you fell in love with

I've been told there'll be another
(or so they say)
But I guess never like the other
So I'll shed my tears and I'll face my fears
I've been told there's be another

So I wanna scream and tell myself it'll be okay
And in a final verse I'll tell you what I wanna say

I've been told there'll be another
(or so they say)
But I guess never like the other
So I'll shed my tears and I'll face my fears
I've been told there's be another

So I guess I'm still learning..

Mirror lyrics:

So I guess I'm still learning..

I've been told there's be another
So I'll shed my tears and I'll face my fears
But I guess never like the other
(or so they say)
I've been told there'll be another

And in a final verse I'll tell you what I wanna say
So I wanna scream and tell myself it'll be okay

I've been told there's be another
So I'll shed my tears and I'll face my fears
But I guess never like the other
(or so they say)
I've been told there'll be another

And I wanna be the person that you fell in love with
So I wanna put my heart in its place
And wish they will yeah
But I guess you can't hope
And I know that people just don't change
A cry for help will sound the same now baby

I've been told there'll be another
So I'll shed my tears and I'll face my fears
But I guess never like the other
(or so they say)
I've been told there'll be another

And I wanna be the person that you fell in love with
So I wanna put my heart in it's place
And you know you didn't even know why
But you never knew how I felt now honey
I didn't wanna cause you any pain
I never meant to hurt you baby

Relevant Tags:
II'm LLearning ((part OOne) 'm earning part ne) 'Im eLarning p(art nOe) j'm kearning (ppart kne) jI'm kLearning (art kOne) Ij'm Lkearning (aprt Okne)
9'm oearning (0art 9ne) 9I'm oLearning (0part 9One) I9'm Loearning (p0art O9ne) l'm pearning (lart 0ne) lI'm pLearning (lpart 0One) Il'm Lpearning (plart O0ne)
o'm Leearning (oart lne) oI'm Larning (opart lOne) Io'm Laerning (poart Olne) k'm Lsarning (paart ine) kI'm Lsearning (prt iOne) Ik'm Lesarning (prat Oine)
8'm L3arning (pzrt Onne) 8I'm L3earning (pzart Oe) I8'm Le3arning (pazrt Oen) u'm Lfarning (pqrt Ome) uI'm Lfearning (pqart Omne) Iu'm Lefarning (paqrt Onme)
I''m Lrarning (psrt Ohe) Im Lrearning (psart Ohne) Im' Lerarning (pasrt Onhe) I'mm L4arning (pwrt Oje) I' L4earning (pwart Ojne) I'm Le4arning (pawrt Onje)
I'j Ldarning (pxrt Obe) I'jm Ldearning (pxart Obne) I'mj Ledarning (paxrt Onbe) I'k Lwarning (parrt Onee) I'km Lwearning (pat On) I'mk Lewarning (patr On)e
I'n Leaarning (padt Ons) I'nm Lerning (padrt Onse) I'mn Leraning (pardt Ones) Lezrning (pa4t On3) Lezarning (pa4rt On3e) Leazrning (par4t One3)
Leqrning (pagt Onf) Leqarning (pagrt Onfe) Leaqrning (pargt Onef) Lesrning (patt Onr) (patrt Onre) Leasrning (partt Oner)
Lewrning (pa5t On4) (pa5rt On4e) Leawrning (par5t One4) Lexrning (paft Ond) Lexarning (pafrt Onde) Leaxrning (parft Oned)
Learrning (paet Onw) Leaning (paert Onwe) Leanring (paret Onew) Leadning One)) Leadrning (par One Leardning (part One)
Lea4ning (parf Lea4rning Lear4ning (partf Leagning (par5 Leagrning Leargning (part5
Leatning (parh Leatrning (parht Leartning (parth Lea5ning (pary Lea5rning (paryt Lear5ning (party
Leafning (par6 Leafrning (par6t

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