Boyz Ii Men
Head Over Heals

By Shawn Stockman

Verse 1:

Any minute now you'll be walking out your door

With that vibe I've never seen before

Every part of your existence fill with originality

And elegence but,

I can feel you, loser in this game of love

The key to your heart belongs to another

Though I know we can't be, I pray for you

Cause I know there is no other for me


I'm going crazy,

Head over heals in a love I can't get out of even if I tried

I'm going crazy,

Thought I could get away but i can't deny that I'm in love

I'm going crazy,

Head over heals in a love I can't get out of even if I tried

I'm going crazy,

Thought I could get away but i can't deny

Verse 2:

I admire your face and your ways from a far

Want to know more about who you are

Wishing time and again that I was your friend

I'd show you I could be a star

Hurt me everytime I felt sorrow in your eyes

Cause I know for sure that it was from him

Makes me wonder why you stick around

While your heart gets beat down on the ground


Verse 3:


Thought I got away from you

In the nick of time

So I find that I can't get you out of my mind

Can't get you out of my mind

And I need you to sleep baby

No one can beat baby

I'm gong crazy


Mirror lyrics:


I'm gong crazy

No one can beat baby

And I need you to sleep baby

Can't get you out of my mind

So I find that I can't get you out of my mind

In the nick of time

Thought I got away from you


Verse 3:


While your heart gets beat down on the ground

Makes me wonder why you stick around

Cause I know for sure that it was from him

Hurt me everytime I felt sorrow in your eyes

I'd show you I could be a star

Wishing time and again that I was your friend

Want to know more about who you are

I admire your face and your ways from a far

Verse 2:

Thought I could get away but i can't deny

I'm going crazy,

Head over heals in a love I can't get out of even if I tried

I'm going crazy,

Thought I could get away but i can't deny that I'm in love

I'm going crazy,

Head over heals in a love I can't get out of even if I tried

I'm going crazy,


Cause I know there is no other for me

Though I know we can't be, I pray for you

The key to your heart belongs to another

I can feel you, loser in this game of love

And elegence but,

Every part of your existence fill with originality

With that vibe I've never seen before

Any minute now you'll be walking out your door

Verse 1:

By Shawn Stockman

Relevant Tags:
HHead OOver HHeals ead ver eals eHad vOer eHals jead kver jeals jHead kOver jHeals Hjead Okver Hjeals uead 9ver ueals
uHead 9Over uHeals Huead O9ver Hueals nead 0ver neals nHead 0Over nHeals Hnead O0ver Hneals bead lver beals bHead lOver bHeals
Hbead Olver Hbeals gead iver geals gHead iOver gHeals Hgead Oiver Hgeals yead Ovver yeals yHead Oer yHeals Hyead Oevr Hyeals
Heead Ober Heeals Had Obver Hals Haed Ovber Haels Hsad Ocer Hsals Hsead Ocver Hseals Hesad Ovcer Hesals H3ad Oger H3als
H3ead Ogver H3eals He3ad Ovger He3als Hfad Ofer Hfals Hfead Ofver Hfeals Hefad Ovfer Hefals Hrad Oveer Hrals Hread Ovr Hreals
Herad Ovre Herals H4ad Ovsr H4als H4ead Ovser H4eals He4ad Ovesr He4als Hdad Ov3r Hdals Hdead Ov3er Hdeals Hedad Ove3r Hedals
Hwad Ovfr Hwals Hwead Hweals Hewad Ovefr Hewals Heaad Ovrr Heaals Hed Ovrer Hels

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