Br5 49
One Long Saturday Night

Down in the valley of the fever
In the hills of Tennessee
Well, we're sifting through that asphalt barnyard
Just a-looking for that be-bop beat
'Cause we sleep all day, play all night
Man that ain't no lie
We can't tell what day it is
It just seems like one long Saturday night
Well, it's something in the water
Or something in the air
Something to them effigies on that street down there
Cause we sleep all day, play all night
Man that ain't no lie
We can't tell what day it is
It just seems like one long Saturday night
You know I ain't got nothing
That thirteen bucks won't buy
But when I get me a little money baby

I'm gonna take me a little ride
Six more months of nighttime, I'll take six months more
I'll keep taking whatever it takes
'Til I can't take no more
Because that lonesome ghost is calling me
One day I'll have to fight
Until then I'll just keep running through my
One long Saturday night
You know I ain't got nothing
That thirteen bucks won't buy
But when I get me a little money baby
I'm gonna take me a little ride
Repeat 1st verse
Yeah, it seems like one long Saturday night
It seems like one long Saturday night

Mirror lyrics:

It seems like one long Saturday night
Yeah, it seems like one long Saturday night
Repeat 1st verse
I'm gonna take me a little ride
But when I get me a little money baby
That thirteen bucks won't buy
You know I ain't got nothing
One long Saturday night
Until then I'll just keep running through my
One day I'll have to fight
Because that lonesome ghost is calling me
'Til I can't take no more
I'll keep taking whatever it takes
Six more months of nighttime, I'll take six months more
I'm gonna take me a little ride

But when I get me a little money baby
That thirteen bucks won't buy
You know I ain't got nothing
It just seems like one long Saturday night
We can't tell what day it is
Man that ain't no lie
Cause we sleep all day, play all night
Something to them effigies on that street down there
Or something in the air
Well, it's something in the water
It just seems like one long Saturday night
We can't tell what day it is
Man that ain't no lie
'Cause we sleep all day, play all night
Just a-looking for that be-bop beat
Well, we're sifting through that asphalt barnyard
In the hills of Tennessee
Down in the valley of the fever

Relevant Tags:
OOne LLong SSaturday NNight ne ong aturday ight nOe oLng aSturday iNght kne kong zaturday might kOne kLong zSaturday mNight Okne Lkong Szaturday Nmight
9ne oong waturday hight 9One oLong wSaturday hNight O9ne Loong Swaturday Nhight 0ne pong daturday jight 0One pLong dSaturday jNight O0ne Lpong Sdaturday Njight
lne eaturday bight lOne Lng eSaturday bNight Olne Lnog Seaturday Nbight ine Lkng xaturday Niight iOne xSaturday Nght Oine Lokng Sxaturday Ngiht
Onne L9ng aaturday Njght Oe L9ong aSaturday Oen Lo9ng Saaturday Nijght Ome L0ng N9ght Omne L0ong Sturday N9ight Onme Lo0ng Staurday Ni9ght
Ohe Llng Szturday Nlght Ohne Llong Nlight Onhe Lolng Sazturday Nilght Oje Ling Sqturday Noght Ojne Liong Sqaturday Noight Onje Loing Saqturday Nioght
Obe Lonng Ssturday Nkght Obne Log Ssaturday Nkight Onbe Logn Sasturday Nikght Onee Lomg Swturday N8ght On Lomng N8ight One Lonmg Sawturday Ni8ght
Ons Lohg Sxturday Nught Onse Lohng Nuight Ones Lonhg Saxturday Niught On3 Lojg Satturday Nigght On3e Lojng Saurday Niht One3 Lonjg Sautrday Nihgt
Onf Lobg Safurday Nihht Onfe Lobng Safturday Nihght Onef Lonbg Satfurday Nighht Onr Longg Sa5urday Niyht Onre Lon Sa5turday Niyght Oner Long Sat5urday Nigyht
On4 Lonh Sahurday Nibht On4e Sahturday Nibght One4 Longh Sathurday Nigbht Ond Lony Sayurday Nivht Onde Lonyg Sayturday Nivght Oned Longy Satyurday Nigvht
Onw Lonb Sa6urday Nifht Onwe Sa6turday Nifght Onew Longb Sat6urday Nigfht Lonv Sagurday Nitht Lonvg Sagturday Nitght Longv Satgurday Nigtht
Lonf Sarurday Lonfg Sarturday Nigt Longf Satrurday Nigth Lont Satuurday Nigjt Lontg Satrday Nigjht Longt Satruday Nighjt
Sathrday Nigut Niguht Satuhrday Nighut Sat7rday Nignt Sat7urday Nignht Satu7rday Nighnt
Satkrday Nigbt Satkurday Satukrday Nighbt Satirday Niggt Satiurday Satuirday Nighgt
Sat8rday Nigyt Sat8urday Satu8rday Nighyt

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