Bowling For Soup
Sick Of Myself

You don't know how you move me
Deconstruct me
And consume me
I'm all used up
I'm out of luck
I am starstruck
By something in your eyes that is keeping my hope alive

But I'm sick of myself when I look at you
Something is beautiful and true
In a world that's ugly and a lie
It's hard to even want to try
And I'm beginning to think baby you don't know

I'll take or leave
The room to breathe
The choice to leave you
I'll throw away
A chance at greatness
Just to make this
Dream come into play, I don't know if I'll find a way

'Cause I'm sick of myself when I look at you
Something is beautiful and true
In a world that's ugly and a lie
It's hard to even want to try
And I'm beginning to think baby you don't know
I'm beginning to think baby you don't know

There's something in your eyes that is keeping my hope alive
But I'm sick of myself when I look at you
Something is beautiful and true
In a world that's ugly and a lie
It's hard to even want to try
And I'm beginning to think baby you don't know
I'm beginning to think baby you don't know

Mirror lyrics:

I'm beginning to think baby you don't know
And I'm beginning to think baby you don't know
It's hard to even want to try
In a world that's ugly and a lie
Something is beautiful and true
But I'm sick of myself when I look at you
There's something in your eyes that is keeping my hope alive

I'm beginning to think baby you don't know
And I'm beginning to think baby you don't know
It's hard to even want to try
In a world that's ugly and a lie
Something is beautiful and true
'Cause I'm sick of myself when I look at you

Dream come into play, I don't know if I'll find a way
Just to make this
A chance at greatness
I'll throw away
The choice to leave you
The room to breathe
I'll take or leave

And I'm beginning to think baby you don't know
It's hard to even want to try
In a world that's ugly and a lie
Something is beautiful and true
But I'm sick of myself when I look at you

By something in your eyes that is keeping my hope alive
I am starstruck
I'm out of luck
I'm all used up
And consume me
Deconstruct me
You don't know how you move me

Relevant Tags:
SSick OOf MMyself ick f yself iSck fO yMself zick kf jyself zSick kOf jMyself Szick Okf Mjyself wick 9f kyself wSick 9Of kMyself
Swick O9f Mkyself dick 0f nyself dSick 0Of nMyself Sdick O0f Mnyself eick lf Myyself eSick lOf Mself Seick Olf Msyelf xick if Mgself
xSick iOf Mgyself Sxick Oif Mygself aick Off Mhself aSick O Mhyself Saick Of Myhself Siick Oc M6self Sck Ocf M6yself Scik Ofc My6self
Sjck Or Muself Sjick Orf Muyself Sijck Ofr Myuself S9ck Og M7self S9ick Ogf M7yself Si9ck Ofg My7self Slck Ot Mjself Slick Otf
Silck Oft Myjself Sock Ov Mtself Soick Ovf Mtyself Siock Ofv Mytself Skck Od Mysself Skick Odf Myelf Sikck Ofd Myeslf S8ck Myzelf
S8ick Myzself Si8ck Myszelf Suck Mywelf Suick Mywself Siuck Myswelf Sicck Mydelf Sik Mydself Sikc Mysdelf
Sifk Myeelf Sifck Myeself Sicfk Myseelf Sixk Myxelf Sixck Myxself Sicxk Mysxelf Sivk Myaelf

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