Bouncing Souls
Quick Check Girl

The first wedensday i saw her
there smiling at me with here blue eyes
and curly hair i couldn't wait till next week
to make the stop see her at the
quick check paper drop.

Every wedensday we'd count the papers
we'd have a laugh at the people in their suits
no one seemed to notice how she was different
but i did and i knew. Another wedensday came and it
seemed it was right so i wrote her a note that i
hoped she would like dear
Kiah would you like to go with me to the boardwalk
what fun it will be
we'll eat cotton candy and we'll get french
fries with vinegar and get a
plate of funnel cake then we'll go on the
zipper look out on the ocean
and puke it all up all the people will scream
we can have a laugh what do
you say? that's what it said in the note.
Another week went by
and she never called another week came and
she wished she had she just
broke up with her fiance and things were kinda crazy
with her i said i understood, another week went by
and she never called but i thought
about the way she looked at me and said to myself maybe..
i pulled into the quick check at 6am to see the sun coming up
when i walked in Kiah wasn't there. The manager said
she quit she isn't here do you want me to
help you count the papers?.

Mirror lyrics:

help you count the papers?.
she quit she isn't here do you want me to
when i walked in Kiah wasn't there. The manager said
i pulled into the quick check at 6am to see the sun coming up
about the way she looked at me and said to myself maybe..
and she never called but i thought
with her i said i understood, another week went by
broke up with her fiance and things were kinda crazy
she wished she had she just
and she never called another week came and
Another week went by
you say? that's what it said in the note.
we can have a laugh what do
and puke it all up all the people will scream
zipper look out on the ocean
plate of funnel cake then we'll go on the
fries with vinegar and get a
we'll eat cotton candy and we'll get french
what fun it will be
Kiah would you like to go with me to the boardwalk
hoped she would like dear
seemed it was right so i wrote her a note that i
but i did and i knew. Another wedensday came and it
no one seemed to notice how she was different
we'd have a laugh at the people in their suits
Every wedensday we'd count the papers

quick check paper drop.
to make the stop see her at the
and curly hair i couldn't wait till next week
there smiling at me with here blue eyes
The first wedensday i saw her

Relevant Tags:
QQuick CCheck GGirl uick heck irl uQick hCeck iGrl auick fheck hirl aQuick fCheck hGirl Qauick Cfheck Ghirl 2uick xheck yirl
2Quick xCheck yGirl Q2uick Cxheck Gyirl wuick vheck birl wQuick vCheck bGirl Qwuick Cvheck Gbirl suick dheck virl sQuick dCheck vGirl
Qsuick Cdheck Gvirl 1uick Chheck firl 1Quick Ceck fGirl Q1uick Cehck Gfirl Quuick Cjeck tirl Qick Cjheck tGirl Qiuck Chjeck Gtirl
Qhick Cueck Giirl Qhuick Cuheck Grl Quhick Chueck Gril Q7ick Cneck Gjrl Q7uick Cnheck Gjirl Qu7ick Chneck Gijrl Qkick Cbeck G9rl
Qkuick Cbheck G9irl Qukick Chbeck Gi9rl Qiick Cgeck Glrl Qiuick Cgheck Glirl Quiick Chgeck Gilrl Q8ick Cyeck Gorl Q8uick Cyheck Goirl
Qu8ick Chyeck Giorl Qjick Cheeck Gkrl Qjuick Chck Gkirl Qujick Chcek Gikrl Qyick Chsck G8rl Qyuick Chseck G8irl Quyick Chesck Gi8rl
Ch3ck Gurl Quck Ch3eck Guirl Qucik Che3ck Giurl Qujck Chfck Girrl Chfeck Gil

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