Hitch A Ride

Day is night in new york city
Smoke, like water, runs inside
Still I don't choose to pity
Every living things that's died

Gonna hitch a ride
Head for the other side
Leave it all behind
Never change my mind
Gonna sail away
Sun lights another day
Freedom on my mind
Carry me away for the last time
Oh yeah

Life is like the coldest winter
People freeze the tears I cry
Words of hail their minds are into
I've got to crack this ice and fly

Gonna hitch a ride
Head for the other side
Leave it all behind
Never change my mind
Gonna sail away
Sun lights another day
Freedom on my mind
Carry me away for the last time
Oh yeah

Gonna hitch a ride
Head for the other side
Leave it all behind
Never change my mind
Gonna sail away
Sun lights another day
Freedom on my mind
Carry me away for the last time
Oh yeah

Mirror lyrics:

Oh yeah
Carry me away for the last time
Freedom on my mind
Sun lights another day
Gonna sail away
Never change my mind
Leave it all behind
Head for the other side
Gonna hitch a ride

Oh yeah
Carry me away for the last time
Freedom on my mind
Sun lights another day
Gonna sail away
Never change my mind
Leave it all behind
Head for the other side
Gonna hitch a ride

I've got to crack this ice and fly
Words of hail their minds are into
People freeze the tears I cry
Life is like the coldest winter

Oh yeah
Carry me away for the last time
Freedom on my mind
Sun lights another day
Gonna sail away
Never change my mind
Leave it all behind
Head for the other side
Gonna hitch a ride

Every living things that's died
Still I don't choose to pity
Smoke, like water, runs inside
Day is night in new york city

Relevant Tags:
HHitch AA RRide itch ide iHtch A iRde jitch z dide jHitch zA dRide Hjitch Az Rdide uitch q 4ide uHitch qA 4Ride Huitch Aq R4ide
nitch s gide nHitch sA gRide Hnitch As Rgide bitch w tide bHitch wA tRide Hbitch Aw Rtide gitch x 5ide gHitch xA 5Ride Hgitch Ax R5ide
yitch fide yHitch fRide Hyitch Rfide Hiitch eide Htch eRide Htich Reide Hjtch Riide Rde Hijtch Rdie
H9tch Rjde H9itch Rjide Hi9tch Rijde Hltch R9de Hlitch R9ide Hiltch Ri9de Hotch Rlde Hoitch Rlide Hiotch Rilde
Hktch Rode Hkitch Roide Hiktch Riode H8tch Rkde H8itch Rkide Hi8tch Rikde Hutch R8de R8ide Hiutch Ri8de
Hittch Rude Hich Ruide Hicth Riude Hifch Ridde Hiftch Rie Hitfch Ried

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